What Lures To Use When Trolling? | FishingIsEasy (2025)

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  • Nomad Design DTX Minnow
  • Rapala X-Rap Magnum Fishing Lures
  • Luhr-Jensen Ford Fender Lake Trolls
  • Hot Spot Apex Salmon Killer
  • Rapala Down Deep Husky Jerk.

What is the best speed to troll at?

The best trolling speed for any species is the one that gives your lure irresistible action as it moves through the water. While 1.5 to 2.5 mph creates enticing action for crankbaits, trolling a worm harness with a smiley blade might deliver better results going slower than 1.2 mph.

How far behind a boat should you troll a lure?

For bigeye use a flatline about 40 feet behind the boat. They want it in the prop wash. The longer the lures are the more careful you have to be when making turns. You also have to make sure your lures are running straight or you will get nasty tangles.

What lures to use for trolling walleye?

The three basic types of walleye trolling lures are plugs, spinners, and spoons Plugs are by far the most popular for a couple of reasons. Plugs can be purchased with lip sizes that result in them diving down to a determined depth.

How fast do you troll with a Rapala?

“We troll at two miles-per-hour and all we catch is white bass and sheephead,” Holst explains. “We throw a little speed at these fish, and all we catch is walleyes.” Lots of walleyes.

How much line should you let out when trolling?

Let out 50 feet of line and clip into the release. If that’s not enough distance to prevent your lake’s wary walleyes from seeing the ball.then let out 150 feet of line! Just remember, the flat-line diving depth of your crankbait still applies behind the ball!.

Should you troll with or against the current?

7. When in an area with current, troll crosscurrent as opposed to with and/or against the current Going crosscurrent, you don’t have to worry about how the current is affecting your lure’s or bait’s speed through the water. Plus, fish generally swim into the current.

How do you effectively troll?

A good troll will spend time carefully constructing the perfect prank. Make them think you’re legit. And then mess with their minds For example, spend time in that community making comments and posts which seem normal, before slowly going through a “crisis of faith” and eventually going full-blown crazy-pants.

Should you troll with or against the wind?

When trolling in large waves, obtaining the best boat control boils down to two things: Always troll with the wind , and, use accessories to take the surge out of the boat. Trolling with the wind is the most important.

How do I slow my boat down for trolling?

Shut Down Your Boat’s Engine(s) With triple outboards, for example, shutting down the center engine (or leaving it in neutral) will help you troll slower. If that’s not slow enough, use just the center outboard and turn off the two outside motors. With quad outboards, try running just two motors.

What is the best color lure for walleye?

The most basic and most productive colors for targeting walleye are purple and green These colors come in a variety of shades and can be used in a large range of depths. For sunny days, select bright or flashy purple or green, and for cloudy days try a solid, darker green or purple.

What colors can walleye not see?

A walleye lacks the blue and yellow cells, so it’s color vision is similar to that of the rare human beings with blue and yellow color blindness. What this means is a walleye most likely can see all colors as some shade of red or green.

Can you troll with a jig lure?

Jigs can be long-line trolled directly behind the boat , but these lures are also ideally suited to trolling in combination with in-line boards.

Can you troll with swimbaits?

Swimbaits are ideal out over deeper water in 8 to 10 feet or more, and can be slowly dragged or trolled behind the boat , which can be deadly for reaching fish in 25 feet.

How fast should I troll for bass?

It takes a bit of experimenting to get the speed right, but for typical bass crankbaits it’s anywhere from 2 to 4 mph –you can tell prime speed because that’s where the rod bows up most.

Is braided fishing line good for trolling?

What Braided Fishing Line Should I Use? Braid is great for trolling but since it has very little stretch we recommend using a wind-on-leader or mono tophsot. We recommend using 30-130Lb braid as backing for trolling reels. Make sure any reel you spool on your trolling reels is spooled on tight!.

Does trolling speed affect lure depth?

Trolling slightly faster or slower , the wind pushing the boat sideways, waves rocking the boat (tugging back and forth on the lures), underwater currents, water temperature, line diameter, variations in the lures (even though they look identical) and other factors all combine in very complex ways to affect a lure’s.

Is mono or braid better for trolling?

Mono holds knots better and costs less than braid It also works better on smaller bait-casting reels because light braid can dig into itself. Florida sailfish and dolphin anglers still use a lot of mono on the troll, and some use it for kite lines because it runs through the clips better.

Do walleye like crankbaits?

Why Are Crankbaits Great For Catching Walleye? Crankbaits are one of the best methods to attract and catch large walleye Crankbaits imitate smaller fish with a wobbling action that they just can’t resist. Walleye hit crankbaits with such force, it may take the rod right out of your hand.

What size lures for walleye?

Size. Walleyes can grow up to 30 inches long and weigh more than 10 pounds, so select a lure that can handle the big guys. For jig heads, the optimal size range from 0.06 ounces to 1 ounce For jib body lures, go with ones between 3 and 5 inches long.

Can you troll with crankbait?

Trolling with crankbaits is a good time In this link, walleye expert, Dale Gilbert, explains his setup and a technique that he uses to make sure lures are tuned.

How do you troll for largemouth bass?

Trolling for bass with crankbaits, swimbaits and spinnerbaits is a highly effective method for efficiently locating bass holding to deeper structure or along submerged weed lines. While trolling for largemouth may be against the rules in tournaments, it is fair game for the casual angler.

How do you rig a Rapala lure for trolling?

To cast or troll in deep water, use a three-way swivel rig Attach one swivel ring to your line and your lure to another swivel ring using 7 feet (2.1 m) of either monofilament or special fluorocarbon leader. Attach 3 feet (0.9 m) of line to the third ring, with a 3-ounce (85 g) bell or dipsey sinker at the other end.

Do you use a swivel with a Rapala?

Rapala recommends tying directly , but what I learned was to use a snap (no swivel, just a snap) with most any crankbait because it can actually help facilitate the crank’s movement. Snap without a swivel here too. All Rapalas that wander are not lost.

How fast do you troll crankbaits?

Typical crankbait trolling speeds are 1.5 – 3 mph , and there are times when it makes a big difference. If you are marking bait and fish but not hooking up, don’t be afraid to speed up or slow down. Making “S” turns is also a good way to test several speeds at once.

How do you know how deep a lure will dive?

The diving depth of the lure can be roughly determined by the size of the bill ; the bigger and longer, the deeper it will dive.

Can you fish while boat is moving?

Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side-to-side, e.g. when fishing from a jetty.

Can you troll freshwater?

Trolling for Fish You can troll for fish out in the ocean or while fishing on a freshwater lake from a troller boat If you want to know the answer to the question, “How do you troll for fish?”, start out with the right tackle and fish from a troller fishing boat that is equipped with multiple rod holders.

How do you shut down a troll?

  • Don’t Feed the Trolls. The classic internet adage still holds merit
  • Be the Boss! No Trolls Allowed
  • Add Moderators to Your Roster
  • If You Can’t Ignore the Trolls, Call Their B.S
  • Kill Them with Kindness
  • Disarm Them with Humor
  • Have Friends-Only Social Profiles
  • Block, Ban, or Report Trolls.

Why is it difficult to ignore a troll?

Because sometimes fighting a troll sends a message to everyone else Sometimes it sets a standard of what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Sometimes it speaks the truth when the troll has been speaking untruth. Sometimes it gives others language for what they know but can’t express to be true.

Do fish still bite when it’s windy?

There is certainly some truth to that. According to Fish Tackly, wind can be both good and bad Watch out for wind blowing toward the shoreline. It can blow smaller bait fish toward the bank and larger fish will follow to feed on them.

Is it ever too windy to fish?

But, it’s always better to err on the side of caution. As a general rule, anything over three foot seas with winds of 20 to 25 knots creates conditions that are no longer safe for fishing.

Is it good to go fishing on windy days?

The fishing can be excellent during a windy day, but please don’t take any unnecessary risks As you can see, the wind doesn’t have to be a hated enemy when out on the water. Learn to work with it and good things will happen. Enjoy the countless fish, and have a howling good time!.



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    What Lures To Use When Trolling? | FishingIsEasy (2025)


    What Lures To Use When Trolling? | FishingIsEasy? ›

    Some good choices for lures include spoons, soft plastics, skirted lures and plugs. If you're after bigger fish, a skirted lure is a good choice, whereas if you're trolling for smaller fish, you should use soft plastics. Plugs and spoons are the lures of choice for anything in between.

    What lures to use while trolling? ›

    Some good choices for lures include spoons, soft plastics, skirted lures and plugs. If you're after bigger fish, a skirted lure is a good choice, whereas if you're trolling for smaller fish, you should use soft plastics. Plugs and spoons are the lures of choice for anything in between.

    What size lure is best for trolling? ›

    Most deep-diving trolling lures sold on the market are between 60mm and 150mm.

    What lures to use for trolling bass? ›

    You can troll with any lure, but not every lure is good when trolled. It will be difficult to do better than the classic spinnerbait, crankbait, or swim jig. Certain rigs for soft plastics are not appropriate at all, such as a Texas rigged worm, but can still be done if desired.

    How far behind the boat should I troll? ›

    Proper distance for most boats will be anywhere from 20 feet to 150 feet behind your boat. Whether you have inboard diesel or outboard gas engines, your power dictates the distance you troll your baits and lures.

    What speed do you troll with lures? ›

    Baits and lures are typically trolled at speeds up to 9 knots (17 km/h), though speeds up to 15 knots (28 km/h) can be used, particularly when boats are travelling to different fishing areas. The speed at which the lure is pulled through the water impacts on the fishing success.

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