The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (2024)

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The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (1)

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup recipe is here!

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (2)

Today I’m sharing my secret silken tofu soup recipe with you. I’ve been cooking my silken tofu soup this way for years now. Though, if you want to check out my original silken tofu soup recipe, check down below!

My original recipe is slightly different than how I’m making it now, so I decided to update one. The protein is up to you, I used beef for the above recipe, and today’s recipe includes seafood. You could substitute protein amount with any protein/main flavor you like. I will list it below!

  • Beef
  • Seafood
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Dumplings
  • Spam/ham
  • Sausage & cheese
  • Mushrooms
  • Impossible meat (Beyond meat is a bit too strong flavor for Asian cooking)

You also could mix the main ingredients to make a mixture flavor. We call “Seokkeo Soondubu Jjigae”. So be creative!

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (3)

By the way, many of you asked me about the portable stove I’m using, so I will leave the link right where I purchased it. 🙂

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (4)

Are you ready for the best Korean silken tofu soup recipe? Let’s get started!

Combine sesame oil, gochugaru, chopped garlic, and white to light greens part of chopped green onion into a cold, medium-sized, thick bottom pot such as Korean clay pot (ttukbaegi) or dutch oven. Turn on the heat to medium-high heat and sauté until it lightly bubbles for about 2 minutes. Stir occasionally.

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (6)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (7)

This step is a must to create the beautiful chili oil, which is the base of the soup.

Add chopped kimchi and keep sauté with chili oil for about 1 minute.

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (8)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (9)

I have many different kimchi recipes, but Napa cabbage kimchi will work the best for this recipe. Check out my easy Mak kimchi (chopped kimchi), traditional kimchi & vegan kimchi recipe below.

You could also use your favorite store-bought kimchi or omit it to your taste.

Pour water, then season with Korean soup, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Bring it to boil.

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (10)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (11)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (12)

When the soup is boiling, add seafood mix and bring back to boil.

I used frozen seafood mix and scallop. You can use any seafood you like, mixture or just one kind. Also, as I mentioned at the beginning, you can substitute with any other protein or main flavor you desire. 🙂

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (13)

Now, add silken tofu, break it down to a chunk with a spoon and carefully add into the soup.

If you can find Korean silken tofu in a tube, that will be perfect to use for this recipe, but silken tofu from a regular grocery store also will work great!

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (14)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (15)

Bring soup to a hard boil and let it boil for 1 minute to get all flavor together.

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (16)

Sprinkle the remaining dark part of green onion and crack an egg right into the soup.

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (17)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (18)

Boil another minute or until egg is cooked to your like.

Enjoy warm cooked rice and other Korean side dishes!

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (19)
The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (20)


The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (21)

The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup

★★★★★5 from 7 reviews
  • Author: Seonkyoung
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  • 2 tbsp sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp gochugaru, Korean red pepper flakes
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 large spring onion or 2 green onions, chopped divid white to light greens and dark greens
  • 1/2 cup kimchi, chopped
  • 1 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbsp Korean soup soy sauce or light soy sauce (light in color, not in sodium)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 6 oz seafood mix (Any seafood will work for this recipe or one kind.) or your choice of protein
  • 14 oz silke tofu
  • 1 egg


  1. Combine sesame oil, gochugaru, garlic and white to light greens part of green onion into a cold medium size thick bottom pot such as Korean clay pot (ttukbaegi) or dutch oven. Turn on the heat to medium high heat and sauté until it lightly bubbles, about 2 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  2. Add chopped kimchi and keep sauté with chili oil about 1 minute. Pour water then season with soy sauce and fish sauce. Bring it to boil.
  3. When the soup it boiling, add seafood mix and bring back to boil. Now, add silken tofu, break it down to a chunk with a spoon and carefully add into soup.
  4. Bring soup to hard boil and let it boil for 1 minute to get all flavor together. Sprinkle remaining dark part of green onion and crack an egg right into soup. Boil another minute or until egg is cooked to your like. Enjoy with warm cooked rice and other Korean side dishes!


The BEST Korean Silken Tofu Soup Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (2024)


When should you add silken tofu to soup? ›

Once the vegetables have softened, add vegetable broth and bring it to a simmer. Cut the silken tofu into cubes and gently add it to the soup. Allow the flavors to meld together for a few minutes before serving.

Is silken tofu the same as soondubu? ›

Soondubu is a Korean tofu stew recipe made with silken tofu as the main ingredient. It's usually made with gochugaru (Korean chili flakes) to yield a spicy broth, and you can vary the veggies and meat (or seafood) you put in it.

Is firm or silken tofu better for soup? ›

Firm and extra-firm tofu are dense and solid and hold up well in stir-frys, soups or on the grill. Soft tofu is good for soups and making dips or spreads, where a smoother texture is desirable and the recipe calls for blending, mashing or puréeing.

How do you thicken soup with silken tofu? ›

Transfer 1 cup soup and remaining tofu slab to blender and process until smooth, about 2 minutes. Stir pureed soup and reserved browned tofu into remaining soup in saucepan and adjust consistency with extra hot water as needed. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Should tofu be cooked before adding to soup? ›

You can put raw tofu in the soup and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes to warm and flavor it. Tofu can be eaten raw, so it's no problem to add it raw to soups.

Do you need to rinse silken tofu? ›

You can run your tofu through some water to wash out any sliminess. If your tofu is a bit slimy to the touch, continue to rinse this through water and carefully rub with your hands.Do note that your tofu shouldn't have any sour/off-putting smell after washing.

What is the difference between kimchi jjigae and sundubu? ›

The main ingredient in kimchi jjigae is kimchi, hence the name 'kimchi stew'. In soondubu jjigae, however, the main ingredient is the soft and silky tofu, hence the name 'extra soft tofu stew'. In terms of flavor, soondubu jjigae has a more delicate flavor than kimchi jjigae.

What is another name for silken tofu? ›

Silken tofu also called soft, silk, or Japanese-style tofu has a softer consistency than regular tofu and will fall apart if not handled carefully.

What is the difference between kimchi jjigae and soondubu? ›

Kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae) usually has more kimchi and more acidic broth, while the main ingredients in kimchi tofu soup (kimchi soondubu) is the soft tofu.. and some kimchi added to enhance the broth flavor.

Which tofu is best for soup? ›

Soft silken tofu would be my choice for blending into desserts or slicing into miso soup, but if you're serving it as a main dish or topping it onto bowls, extra-firm is what you'll need. It has a heartier, denser texture and less water content than other types of tofu.

Can you freeze silken tofu? ›

Freezing tofu is easy and you can freeze any variety — it doesn't matter if it's silken, firm, or extra-firm. All you have to do is cut the tofu into cubes the size of your choosing, freeze them solid on a baking sheet, and store them in a freezer container until you're ready to defrost and cook.

Can I pan fry silken tofu? ›

Just be sure to get the oil nice and hot before adding the tofu; this will prevent the tofu from excessively sticking to the pan and help develop a nicely crisp sear! A simple Chinese-style dish featuring pan-seared silken tofu served with a garlic scallion soy sauce.

What does adding cornstarch to tofu do? ›

A light coating of cornstarch will absorb even more moisture from the tofu's surface and contribute to a distinct coating. Sprinkle over the starch (potato starch, tapioca starch, and arrowroot all work too) a little bit at a time and toss the tofu, pressing gently so the starch adheres.

How do you keep tofu from falling apart in soup? ›

To Keep It Together, Think Dry and Firm

For pan-frying, draining it and then drying and pressing the exterior with paper towels works well. To use soft tofu successfully in a braised dish, simmering or steeping it in hot salt water or other salted liquid like broth first is essential.

Can silken tofu replace cream in soup? ›

Combine equal parts silken tofu and soy milk and blend thoroughly in an immersion blender or food processor until the mixture reaches a smooth, thick consistency. Then use it in place of an equal amount of heavy cream to thicken your favorite recipes, such as soups or sauces.

Does silken tofu dissolve in soup? ›

Firm or extra firm tofu works best as it holds its shape well and does not break apart easily when cooked in soup. Silken tofu, on the other hand, is softer and more delicate, making it a good choice for creamy soups or adding a silky texture to your dish.

What happens when you boil silken tofu? ›

The purpose of both boiling and pressing tofu is to reduce moisture. The former process is grounded in both reason and preservation of the tender quality of bean curd, while Western cooking educators are hellbent on the view that tofu is unmanageable without the firmest, chewiest possible texture.

Does silken tofu need to be cooked? ›

Soft and silken tofu are ready to go right out of the package (though, technically, any tofu can be eaten raw). Drain off the excess water, and eat up! Draining/Blotting: For block tofu, I like to slit the package and drain out the packing water.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.