Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (2024)

23 Sep 08

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies aka Preacher Cookies, Cow Patties or Fudge Cookies are a yummy vintage cookie that is filled with chocolate, oatmeal and peanut butter.Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (2)

Today I made one of my sons all time favorite sweet treats....Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies.He absolutely loves these cookies and could eat the whole batch if I let him. Even though they're his favorite the first couple times I made them for some reason the cookies never set up correctly.

Everyone says I don't let the mixture boil long enough, but I followed the recipe exactly and it was still a mess. After poking around a bit online I found a different recipe, so I thought I would give it a try.

I wanted to surprise my son with the cookies since the last time they were so disappointing.
I followed the recipe exactly, but I used evaporated milk instead of regular milk. I had plenty of cans of evaporated milk that needed to be used, so I went with that.

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (3)

I'm happy to say that the cookies turned out perfectly and I was so excited. My son was so surprised to see those cookies cooling on the counter, he said mom you did it!!!! I told my son I remember eating these cookies when I was a kid, so it's nothing new. He told me geez mom it must be an old recipe cause that was the olden days..... little stinker!!!

I told him that back in the day people used to make these cookies and refer to them in the so called olden days as Preacher Cookies or fudge cookies at Christmas. This recipe is probably a lot older than he and I will ever know, but it's definitely still a very popular recipe.

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (4)

I hope your family enjoys these cookies as much as mine does.

Yield: 2 dozen

Author: Tina Butler | Mommy's Kitchen

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (5)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies aka Preacher Cookies, Cow Patties or Fudge Cookies are a yummy vintage cookie that is filled with chocolate, oatmeal and peanut butter.

Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 2 MinTotal time: 12 Min


  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder or2 (1 oz) squares un-sweetend Bakers chocolate
  • 1/2 cup butter (not margarine)
  • 1/2 cup evaporated or whole milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 1/2 cups old fashioned or quick oats
  • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a medium sized sauce pan over medium-high heat add butter, sugar, cocoa powder or chocolate squares, milk and salt.
  2. Stir until butter is melted and ingredients are incorporated. Bring mixture to a rolling boil, and boil for 1 minute and 15 seconds. This part is very important or the cookies will not set up.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter until completely melted and vanilla extract. Add the oatmeal and mix well.
  4. Working quickly before the mixture cools and thickens up drop the mixture by tablespoon (I use my small cookie scoop) onto wax paper or foil.
  5. Let cookies cool completely and set up before removing. The key to getting the cookies glossy on top is not touching them after you drop the mixture onto waxed paper.
  6. Recipe yields: about 2 dozen cookies depending on the size.


The key to getting these cookies to set up correctly is letting the mixture come to afull rolling boil (a rolling boil is when liquid is boiled rapidly and cannot be stirred down). Once a rolling boil is achieved,set the time for 1 minute and 15 seconds and let the mixture boil and then remove from heat.


Images and text © Mommy's Kitchen

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The key to getting these cookies to set up correctly is letting the mixture come to afull rolling boil (a rolling boil is when liquid is boiled rapidly with lots of rolling bubbles a boil that cannot be stirred down). Once a rolling boil is achieved,set the time for 1 minute and 15 seconds and let the mixture boil and then remove from heat.I have included a video above of what a rolling boil looks like when making these chocolate no bake cookies.

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (6)

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This recipe is also shared on Weekend Potluck

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (7)

If you like Salted Caramel, try myNo Bake Salted Caramel Hazelnut Cookies!

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Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (8)

Stephanie said…

Ooh yum! Great job on getting them to work. That gives such a nice, warm fuzzy feeling, doesn't it? :-)

Did you know you can make peanut butter no bakes by omitting the cocoa powder? That's really yummy too. (uh-oh, craving!)

Sep 23, 2008, 2:34:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (9)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (10)

Tina Butler said…

Oh wow I bet that would be good without the cocoa. I have another recipe that has coconut and marshmallows added, i might try that one next maybe omit the coconut because my kids dont like coconut. But it still has the peanut butter, cocoa and oatmeal. yum.

Sep 23, 2008, 3:22:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (11)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (12)

Maria♥ said…

Sounds like this recipe is a keeper and they look really yummy!

I couldn't help but laugh at what your son said, kids really do say the funniest things..hahaha


Sep 23, 2008, 4:05:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (13)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (14)

this is my son's favorite cookie recipe also. He is 31 yrs old. Yes, this is an old recipe cause my Mom made it for us when I was a child.
YUM...haven't made in a while, you have motivated me.

Sep 23, 2008, 9:55:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (15)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (16)

Michelle said…

These bring back memories from my childhood. I'm going to get the ingredients I don't have next time I make a trip to the store. Thanks for posting this. :)

Sep 23, 2008, 10:49:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (17)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (18)

Noor said…

Oh I just loved having these cookies growing up. Actually I am so glad that you posted this recipe here bc my friend was just saying we need to have a cookie swap but I told her all I can make is no bake cookies bc I am in a hotel with only an oven eye, lol. And look here you are with the recipe :)

Sep 24, 2008, 2:00:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (19)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (20)

Maria said…

I love no bakes! They are a classic!

Sep 24, 2008, 9:14:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (21)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (24)

Babs said…

Tina this is my favorite cookie I had lost the recipe a long time ago. Mom always added coconut but I left it out this morning and they are simply yummy. You know I love your site.

Oct 2, 2008, 8:40:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (25)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (26)

Mommydee said…

We love this recipe, it was a staple growing up with a mom who did everything from scratch. The only problem we ever had was eating them before they cooled, they are yummy by the spoonful! (did I say that)hahah
We have used this recipe so much that my brother and I have it divided down into half/fourth/ and an 1/8 of the recipe for individual servings! ;-)

Sep 9, 2009, 6:06:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (27)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (28)

Oh I just love the chocolate no bake cookies!! My Sister and I make them every year for Christmas! This year my Dad knows money is tight for everyone, so he requested these cookies for Father's Day...My Sister and I obliged by making 3 double batches (1 for him and 1 for each of us)lol. What a great memory you are creating for your Son. My Mama and my Grandma used to make these when I was little! Really enjoy your site. Thanks

Sep 23, 2009, 7:15:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (29)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (30)

Tina Butler said…

Hi Lynn, thank you so much for stopiny by MK. We love these cookies, finally my little guy likes them as well. He could never get past the oatmeal texture but now he loves them as well. Last batch we made they were gone the next day. They are a favorite at the holidays on my cookie trays. It is always the oldies that are the goodies.

Sep 23, 2009, 8:44:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (31)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (32)

Jen C said…

My mom made these for me as a child and it was always a favorite. I make them every Christmas for my family as well. We leave out the peanut butter so it is just chocolately. YUMMY!!

Sep 26, 2009, 10:16:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (33)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (34)

Unknown said…

I just stumbled upon your blog - what YUMMY recipes you have! Anyway, I, too, had these cookies a lot when we were growing up. However, we called them something much less sophisticated...we called them "cow patties"!

Sep 29, 2009, 6:56:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (35)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (36)

Anonymous said…

OMG these are terrific... my great grandaughter just love them... thank you for posting the recipe they were for sure a big hit

May 18, 2010, 12:17:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (37)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (38)

I have made these for yrs as well. My 83-year-old mom has had the recipe forever. The only 2 things we do differently is use 1/2 a stick of butter to cut down on calories and 4 T of cocoa instead of 3. Taste great with no difference because I accidentally made them a few times with a whole stick of butter when I did it from memory, then realized we had usually used 1/2. Anyway, they are winners every time. Yes, you do have to watch that cook time. I have also had them come out too soft and needed spoons to eat them!

May 18, 2010, 10:20:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (39)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (40)

Scott said…

Would you mind if I use one of your photos on my Facebook page?


Nov 22, 2010, 3:44:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (41)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (42)

Just made these, we left out the peanut butter, but still delicious!

Feb 21, 2011, 3:53:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (43)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (44)

Anonymous said…

Trying to think of a snack that I did not have to use the oven and heat the kitchen up during the hot weather that Indiana is suffering through--so I made these yesterday. Your recipe is exactly the same as mine other than I add a 1/2 coconut. These, too, are a favorite since my childhood home. Our school cafeteria also made these back in the early 1960s. You can tell that this recipe is a favorite - the recipe card is tattered and has so many stains on it - proof that it has been used many times.

Jul 14, 2011, 3:38:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (45)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (46)

Anonymous said…

Im 51 years old and Ive been making these cookies since I got the recipe from elementary school, they used to sell them at school for 3 cents a piece. I have used a lot of different things in them besides oats...you can also use raisin bran, cheerios and rice krispies or my favorite is to add raisins to the original recipe using the oats. These cookies are the best!

Jul 14, 2011, 4:39:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (47)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (48)

Okay, I'm going to make these using your recipe. I have made them for years but mine never set. What am I doing wrong? Thanks so much. Love, love your blog.

Aug 30, 2011, 1:41:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (49)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (50)

Robin said…

Try substituting Nutella for the PB. Tasty stuff, yo.

Feb 8, 2012, 6:43:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (51)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (52)

tonya said…

My mama made these for me when I was a kid & they are still my favorite! I haven't had them in years, but tried your recipe this morning - turned out perfect!!

Feb 25, 2012, 11:14:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (53)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (54)

lmeakim said…

No bakes are my husband's favorite cookies. I haven't made any in a while because I lost the recipe, but this one looked close. Actually, after I made them (just minutes ago), I realized they were BETTER than my old recipe! I have a new favorite no-bake recipe! Thanks so much! My hubby will be so happy when he gets home tonight! :)

Mar 22, 2012, 12:36:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (55)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (56)

Anonymous said…

These are a family favorite also, I also had a lot of trouble getting them right until I used evaporated milk. They have turned out great every time.ok

Feb 10, 2013, 3:21:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (57)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (58)

Anonymous said…

What can I use if I don't have any butter? please help I have everything besides butter !!

Apr 22, 2013, 9:58:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (59)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (60)

Tina Butler said…

You cannot make these without the butter in this recipe. The only thing I can say is substitute with margarine, but keep in mind the result may be different or the recipe might not turn out at all.

Apr 23, 2013, 6:34:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (61)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (62)

Anonymous said…

My son asked for these cookies instead of a birthday cake. We always add coconut but otherwise it's the same great recipe. Thanks for posting, I had lost my recipe.

Jun 11, 2013, 11:31:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (63)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (64)

Anonymous said…

Thank you for this recipe. I tried making them with a different recipe and they never set up correctly. These are awesome!!! They set up quickly, perfectly!

Jun 26, 2013, 8:30:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (65)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (66)

Unknown said…

Do you think I could use splenda instead of sugar? I can't have sugar.

Jul 11, 2013, 10:06:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (67)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (68)

Unknown said…

Can't make them on a too hot or humid of a day. Made them with my Mom and that is what she always said. I have tried to and found she was right.

Jul 25, 2013, 3:21:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (69)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (70)

Unknown said…

Made these with my mom and she always said, and wrote on her recipe card that you can't make them on a very hot day or a humid day. I have found my Mom was right. You also for some reason can only make one batch at a time, can't double.

Jul 25, 2013, 3:23:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (71)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (72)

Sandy said…

I have been trying to make these cookies for years. Have tried several recipes. This one really works!!! Thank you so much. Just made them and they were perfect!

Oct 7, 2013, 12:31:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (73)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (74)

Unknown said…

I would love to know how much cereal u use

Oct 28, 2013, 8:27:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (75)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (76)

Anonymous said…

I make these cookies at least once a month and have always doubled the recipe. I have lots of canned evap milk in my pantry,but never thought to use it undiluted for this recipe, Maybe I will now if you say it works better.

Oct 28, 2013, 9:15:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (77)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (78)

Unknown said…

Hello! Just wanted to clear out if I am not having waxed paper what can be the substitute for this thing?

Oct 29, 2013, 4:01:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (79)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (80)

Anonymous said…

I was once told they would not set up if you use anything but a wooden spoon, but I don't own wooden spoons and minne have turned out, so I think it might be certain recipes, I remember my grandma making these when I was little.

Oct 29, 2013, 5:42:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (81)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (82)

Tina Butler said…

If I don't have wax paper or parchment paper on hand I just use foil.

Oct 29, 2013, 5:10:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (83)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (84)

Lisa said…

A few things can effect the setup of these cookies. The weather is one if it is really humid it can make them sticky. I always hated when they did that but my kids actually preferred it. Go figure. You can use margarine but be careful as some have a higher water content and will not work. We used Parkay growing up but I use real butter now. These are my favorite cookie and now I am happy to say my childrens. Share the love.


Nov 26, 2013, 10:51:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (85)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (86)

Unknown said…

uhhmm hi :) … i know its kinda awkward that a guy ask a question about cooking cookies, cause basically wonderful lady’s are the one that do this task… well, im trying to cook for my girlfriend … she had a sweet tooth she loved cookies so much so im trying to cook cookies for her (kinda sweet right?) … well ,,, i would just ask … can i use powdered milk instead evap or whole milk? .. hoping for the answers of Goddesses ;) …

i really wanna make this cookies as soon as i get your response :)

Jan 23, 2014, 11:58:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (87)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (88)

Tina Butler said…

Manuel it isn't a weird questions at all. There are a lot of men that cook and even famous chefs. I think that is so sweet of you to make cookies for your girlfriend. I have never tried powdered milk, but I don't see why not. Just make sure it is prepared and try it. Really powdered milk is just milk that is un prepared. LMK how it goes. These cookies can be a stickler sometimes,so if they do not turn out keep trying, because you will get it right. Practice makes perfect.

Jan 23, 2014, 12:37:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (89)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (90)

Tina Butler said…

Manuel it isn't a weird questions at all. There are a lot of men that cook and even famous chefs. I think that is so sweet of you to make cookies for your girlfriend. I have never tried powdered milk, but I don't see why not. Just make sure it is prepared and try it. Really powdered milk is just milk that is un prepared. LMK how it goes. These cookies can be a stickler sometimes,so if they do not turn out keep trying, because you will get it right. Practice makes perfect.

Jan 23, 2014, 12:37:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (91)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (92)

Unknown said…

hi tina

hahahha im sorry about the "men cooking" ... cause my friends and i had never cook since we feel "oh thats awkward man !!! " ... haha ... the powdered milk works !!! thanks for this wonderful site.

Jan 24, 2014, 10:51:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (93)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (94)

Unknown said…

hi tina

sorry for the "men cooking" thing i have said ... the powdered milk works :) thanks !

Jan 24, 2014, 10:57:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (95)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (96)

Unknown said…

uhmmm ... another question? ... i mx the oats and ... it is not cook? ... its like eating raw oats? .. or can i cook oats first? ...

Jan 24, 2014, 11:02:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (97)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (98)

Anonymous said…

Try adding walnuts omg so look good

Feb 13, 2014, 9:43:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (99)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (100)

Anonymous said…

Manuel, I wouldn't use powdered milk, because it tastes nasty.

Feb 21, 2014, 10:52:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (101)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (102)

Charlene England said…

I love these cookies. My recipe you make them in the microwave.

Mar 24, 2014, 11:17:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (103)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (104)

Tammy Smith said…

Was so happy when I found this recipe. I made some tonight. They are cooling now.

Feb 9, 2015, 8:44:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (105)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (106)

Susan Ramsey said…

I was so excited to find this recipe! I am 52 years old; and my Mom made these for me and my brothers and sisters when I was a child. I remember standing by the side of the stove, watching her add the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk to the large saucepan.Such a labor of love! God, she was beautiful! We lost her to a brain tumor 6 years ago; and I know while I am making these delicious cookies, that tears of love and remembrance will probably fall into the mixture. Thanks so very much for helping me to capture a few moments of my childhood, and of my precious Mom!

Jan 24, 2016, 6:08:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (107)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (108)

Tina Butler said…

This makes me so happy!!! I love that food can bring back memories and love. It is the same for me when I make my moms Christmas Butter Cookies. She passed 4 years ago and my dad last month. It's so hard when we lose our parents, but so beautiful when we find something that reminds of the past even if it is recipe. I am so thankful I can pass on recipes and memories to my children and when we make them we feel just a little bit closer to our loved ones.

Jan 24, 2016, 9:09:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (109)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (110)

Unknown said…

Anyone know how to substitute for the sugar? We don't use regular white sugar but have xylitol and stevia

May 9, 2016, 5:35:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (111)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (112)

RamonaM said…

Growing up we made a similar cookie but, sometimes we used the fried Chinese noodles instead of the oatmeal. You can add peanuts to it also for a change of pace!

Aug 3, 2016, 3:44:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (113)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (114)

India said…

1 pkg of butterscoth morsels, 1 pkg of chocolate chips.. melt together and add Chinese noodles..the hard ones..drop on cookie sheet..let harden.

Sep 16, 2017, 1:52:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (115)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (116)

Teach80 said…

I grew up with these cookies...we called them cow patties....

Jul 17, 2018, 8:18:00 PMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (117)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (118)

Colleen said…

This is one cookie that is always requested for me to9 make around the holidays.
If I don't have quick oats on hand I have used Rice Krispies in place of, either way, the family still loves them.

Jul 22, 2019, 7:45:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (119)

Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (120)

Anonymous said…

We call these cow patties here in S.C.

Nov 22, 2022, 9:51:00 AMOld Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (121)

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Old Fashioned Chocolate No Bake Cookies (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.