Newnan-Coweta Magazine, November/December 2008 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Newnan-Coweta Magazine, November/December 2008 - [PDF Document] (1)

• Decorating• A Thanksgiving Feast• Holidays in Coweta

12 Days of


November/December 2008 | $3.95

M A G A Z I N EA Times-Herald Publication

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Established 1995

A publication of The Times-Herald


Sam Jones


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Newnan-Coweta Magazine is published bi-monthly by The Times-Herald, Inc., 16 Jefferson St., Newnan, GA 30263.

Subscriptions: Newnan-Coweta Magazine is distributed in home-deliverycopies of The Times-Herald and at businesses and offices throughoutCoweta County. Individual mailed subscriptions are also available for$23.75 in Coweta County, $30.00 outside Coweta County. To subscribe, call770.304.3373.

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WINNER OF FOUR 2008 GAMMA AWARDS (for issues published in 2007)

Gold Award for General Excellence, Gold Award for Best Single Issue, Gold Award for Best

Profile, Bronze Award for Best Photography



William W. Thomasson

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Marianne C. Thomasson

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Enjoy the simple pleasure of making handcrafted dec-orations such as our festive wreath fashioned by ArtDirector Deberah Williams. Can you guess what it’smade of? – Cover photo by Bob Fraley


Special FeaturesWeb extras you’ll find only online. Lookfor the computer icon throughout everyissue to lead you to the special content at

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Congratulations to Susan Coggin of Newnan, winnerof our iPod giveaway! Sign up for our latest give-aways at

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Holiday activities...

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For Heidi Nieuwenhuis of Newnan,it really is a small world since shestarted handcrafting Christmas scenesin miniature. From a log cabin with achimney that really smokes toprecious penguins parading aroundthe Christmas tree, this tiny world isa delight.



The Saturday after Thanksgivingmeans it’s time once more for theGeorgia Tech Yellow Jackets to take onthe Georgia Bulldogs. A Yellow Jacketand a Bulldog share some thoughtssurrounding the big event.



Here at the magazine, we’ve been busyswapping ideas for handmadeChristmas crafts. We share some of ourown do-it-yourself ideas as well as anexclusive project from someone whoknows a thing or two about gooddesign at the holidays – and all throughthe year.


Well-known radio personality SheilaRichards Harper gives an update onwhat’s going on in her life these daysand discusses her fight against cancer.


Thanks to Dr. Lyn Schenbeck, thefour-year-old Centre Stringsorchestral group at the Centre forPerforming and Visual Arts isproviding a performance outlet foramateur and experienced playersalike.


It was a homecoming for people aswell as quilts when members ofMacedonia Baptist Church decided tomount a display of heirloom quilts atthis year’s Homecoming celebration.



If you think your Thanksgiving meal isa big deal, just talk to Eleanor WitcherBridges of Newnan, who hosts 50 to100-plus family members atThanksgiving each year. (And don’t missher dressing recipe. This woman knowshow to feed a crowd!)



For years now, women in Coweta Countyhave joined in the tradition of decorating aholiday-themed table for their churchChristmas dinner or tea. Never ones to beoutdone, the Coweta ladies have pulledout all the stops with fresh new ideas forthis year’s table decor.


There are plenty of holiday activities toenjoy right here in Coweta Countythis year. Consult our list for some ofthe most popular holiday happeningsand mark your calendar.



At John and Carolyn Ellison’s home inRoscoe, the relaxing Florida lifestyle isalways on display, right down to theTiki Hut that’s ready for a party at thedrop of a hat.


Filmmaker Terry Chenowith, whoworks from his home in Newnan aswell as in Hollywood, says new taxincentives mean the filmmakingbusiness in Georgia is on the upswing.

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November/December 2008


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Holiday GreetingsFrom Your

Friends And NeighborsAt NuLink!

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Vicki Hunter knows that teenagers can be hard to please.If entertaining teens is on your holiday schedule, checkout her recipes for crowd-pleasing holiday buffet foods.


Although India is known as the birthplace of polo and hasa history of horse racing, eventing is practically unknownthere. That’s why Imtiaz Anees now trains horses andteaches students at his Springtown Stables in Moreland.


Minutes can be fascinating for what they tell – and whatthey don’t. The Newnan Reading Circle is celebrating acentury this year, and the history of these thinking ladiesis told – in various degrees of descriptiveness – in theminutes kept by the secretary.


Ever thought of keeping a garden journal? OurThoughtful Gardener offers tips for compiling such ajournal of your own, one that is uniquely suited to yourgardening style.


All aboard! The Blue Ridge Scenic Railway is a great daytrip option for local families, and it offers trips on theSanta Train just in time for Christmas.


Meet Allison Wienand, a local businesswoman whoexplains why her idea of perfect bliss includes Marlinfishing off the coast of Australia.














In every issue

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hen I was growing up inBuchanan, way back before

“Martha” meant Martha, the local 4-Hoffice was THE place for holiday deco-

rating inspiration. I eagerly awaited thecooking and crafts booklets they com-

piled each Christmas, and it was throughthem I learned to make my first yarn doll.

You know that trick, don’t you? You wrap yarnaround a piece of cardboard a bunch of times, tieoff the top, cut the bottom, and then tie other bitsof yarn depending on whether you want a boy dollor girl doll.

Thus began my addiction.First it was yarn dolls, then it was on to yarn

poodles and crocheted flowers, doilies andafghans. (Give a kid a little glitter and macaroni infirst grade and you never know where she might

end up.)Every year, I come up with

a most unrealistic list of craftprojects I hope to complete

between Thanksgiving andChristmas. In a perfectworld, I’d make an afghanor quilt for everyone on

my list, and I wouldalso upgrade my knit-

ting skills in order tomake cableknit

sweaters for myhusband andother familymembers.

Eventually,reality sets inand long about

Dec. 20 I’m power knitting (or crocheting) simplescarves for everyone. But when I give somethinghandmade, I’m giving the recipient the gift of mytime, and that’s really the most “expensive” thingI have to give. With the economy the way it is thisyear, and with several new friends I hope to sur-prise with Christmas gifts, I really need to crankup my crafting skills, and pronto.

Of course we get to celebrate Thanksgivingfirst. This year, my family will be coming toNewnan to have Thanksgiving with Alex and me.I’m already thinking about place settings andfavors and where I stashed that great recipe forsuper easy homemade cranberry sauce.Fortunately, I have a nice library of holiday deco-rating and baking books, and I’ve begun pullingthem all out. But you can always seem to use onemore good idea, right?

Art Director Deberah Williams and I alwaysseem to come up with more ideas than we canpossibly squeeze into this Thanksgiving/Christmas issue of the magazine, so we’ve decid-ed to extend the fun. Beginning Dec. 1, we’ll hostan online “Twelve Days of Christmas” celebra-tion. And if you want to start now, you can makeyour own ornament (like the one I made at left)after reading the story on page 36.

Like to create? Like to bake? Then comealong as we share more ideas at


Angela McRae, [emailprotected]

P.S. Don’t forget to enter our giveaway for the wreath on our cover! Canyou guess what we used to make it? See page 41 for the surprising answer.

Coming Soon: Our ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’

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Travel south on I-85 to Exit 51, Sharpsburg/McCollum Road. Turn left onto Highway 154 South.Travel approximately 9 miles to Highway 54 West. Turn right on Highway 54. Travel approximately one mile to Highway16. Turn left on Highway 16 and travel approximately 2 miles. Turn right on Elders Mill Road. Follow Elders Mill Roadfor approximately 4 miles until it ends at Gordon Road. Turn left on Gordon Road. Travel approximately 1 mile andbear right on Al Roberts Road. Fox Hall is located on the right.

Fantastic AmenitiesPark

All information is believed to be accurate but is subject to change without notice.

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Herb Bridges slices theturkey when wife Eleanor

Witcher Bridges plays hostto her large family at



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or most, Thanksgivingmeans family converging

on a dinner table for food,fellowship and fun. This

American tradition is nodifferent for Eleanor Witcher Bridges’family – only when relatives beardown on her Newnan home, sheplays host to some 50 people, andthat’s the “small” crowd.

Bridges, 75, and her husband,Herb, have three children and fivegrandchildren. Family is of utmostimportance.

Eleanor Bridges, daughter ofWilliam Brewer Witcher and AmeliaCrawford Witcher, was the youngestof nine children. Her family alwayscame home for the holidays and

often for big Sunday dinners.“I grew up with a lot of family,

then I married an only child,” jokesBridges.

Bridges’ mother died in 1974.The following Thanksgiving, hersiblings all did their own thing “and Ididn’t like it at all,” Bridges decided.

In 1976, Bridges had her familyover to her home for Thanksgiving.

“Everybody said, ‘Hey, this isfun. Why don’t we do this everyyear?’ And from then on that’s whatwe’ve done.”

The first Thanksgiving, 36people attended – followed by 46 thenext year and 56 after that. Bridgesattributes the increase to “youngstersgetting married,” babies being born,

and word of mouth whetting moreappetites.

Now, every other year, the youngcouples visit with the other side oftheir family. The “small” crowdranges from 45 to 60 people. Thelarge crowd can be 80 people up to128 – if everyone in the Witcherfamily were to come.

Perhaps most impressive of all,her family travels from all over thecountry to continue the tradition –including as far as Utah, Connecticutand California.

“It amazes me they’ll pay thatmoney and come that far for a dayhere,” said Bridges.

Preparation starts a month inadvance with the headcount for tables

Witcher family

By Elizabeth Richardson | Photos by Bob Fraley and courtesy of Eleanor Bridges

Eleanor Witcher Bridges is the youngest of nine children in a family thatalways came home for the holidays. And although husband Herb Bridges wasan only child, he and Eleanor still play host to her family at Thanksgiving,sometimes with more than 100 attending the family feast.


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and chairs. Bridges used to set upcard tables throughout her house.She knows that her den seats 32people, her dining room holds 20,her kitchen five, and four in thestudy.

Now, they rent a tent and tablesfor the big crowd, and sometimes aPorta-Potty. They even have outdoorheaters on standby in case of coldweather.

“The first year I cookedeverything and used my china andsilver, but I learned right quick thatwhen we had more than 16 peoplecoming we would go to paper plates

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Thanks to Georgia’s mild temperatures andportable tents, Eleanor Bridges’ family caneat outdoors on Thanksgiving day.

Eleanor Witcher Bridges’ family gathers for aThanksgiving photo at a past celebration inNewnan.

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and paper napkins.”Bridges annually makes the

turkey, the biggest she can find, andher mother’s dressing recipe. Thenshe makes a lot of tea and coffee.The family pitches in by bringingtraditional fixings.

“After a while, you know whatthe older generation is bringing, i.e.Aunt Jenelle’s beans,” said Bridges.

People usually start arriving ather house around 10:30 thatmorning, and “everybodycongregates in the kitchen” as shescrambles to finish cooking.

Not surprisingly, the crowd istoo much for Herb, who usuallydoes his job by slicing the turkey.Then he eats and leaves the party fora bit.

“He’s just not used to all this,and everybody accepts it. He doeswell to put up with a big family,”said Bridges.

Lunchtime is 1 p.m., but theyalways “go slow” until one

notoriously late relative arrives.Every year they kick off lunch byforming a prayer ring to makefamily announcements, rememberdeceased loved ones and say ablessing.

After lunch, the men playfootball while the rest of the familycheers them on. Everyone enjoyseach other’s company until dinnerwhen whatever food was put away isretrieved.

In the evening, everyone sitsaround and talks until “people startdribbling out.” Some stay until 10

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Cook turkey in time to let brothcool and the fat rise to the top.Mince 4 medium onions and 2stalks of celery and cook in 6-7cups of broth until onions aretransparent. Prepare your corn-bread using 4 cups of meal.(Cornbread is made by mixingself-rising cornmeal with about4 cups of buttermilk and about1/2 cup melted Crisco. Cook inhot oven until slightly brown ontop.) Mix this with 15 slices ofdry (loaf) bread. Tear bread andcornbread into bits and mix with6-7 cups of broth, 1 egg, 1/2 stickbutter, onion and celery you’vecooked, and a good bit of blackpepper.

Before cooking dressing, mix 1/2teaspoon baking powder into 1/2cup sweet milk. Stir and mixwell into bread mixture. Pourinto greased pans to about 1inch thick. Cook at 450 degreesfor about 45 minutes or untilbrown on top. Serves 16.


of EleanorBridges

Post-meal football games are part of the traditionalcelebration when members of the Witcher family

gather for Thanksgiving in Newnan.

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p.m., savoring the moment.One relative e-mailed her to say

he couldn’t make it this year andadded, “We sure have lots of lovingmemories – some of the footballgames, some of the table but mostlyof the faces, laughter, tears and hugs.”

A few years, Bridges said, theyalmost didn’t have Thanksgiving andthe family revolted. In 2004, Bridgeshad shoulder surgery and wasn’tfeeling up to it. The youngergeneration jumped in and offered todo all the work to pull it off.Another year, Herb got the familytickets to go to Disney World duringthe holiday, and their childrendemanded they go another time.

Even Mother Nature tried tointerfere when a tornado broughtdown 13 trees on the Bridges’property and knocked out poweruntil 3 a.m. Thanksgiving morning.The effort was chaotic, butThanksgiving was a success.

Bridges is grateful for the 30years she’s had and looks forward tomore time with family. She says it’sthe perfect holiday for a familyreunion since most people have timeoff work and the weather is mild.

Her advice to anyone consideringstarting a similar tradition is to start ayear in advance by feeling people out.Next, choose a place to have the event– preferably wherever “home” is –keeping in mind parking, bathrooms,tables and chairs, a refrigerator andsafe areas for children to play. Don’tforget to delegate because it savestime and allows others to feel helpful,Bridges said.

“We do it because we’ve alwaysgotten together with family,” saidBridges. “Once a year we pick rightback up and it’s good. I am thankfulwe are a loving family. I don’t knowhow people manage their lives if theydon’t have family.”

Bridges plans to continue thetradition as long as she’s able. Afterthat, she’s hopeful she’s instilled thatsame sense of family in her ownchildren. NCM

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The Arch, the steps of the oldAcademic Building, Uga’s graves, thecoliseum, the practice field, SanfordStadium – not just landmarks of auniversity, but snapshots of mychildhood.

No, literally, my camera-happyparents have pictures of my brotherand sister and me at all of these sites.These pictures are my past, onereason there’s no place like theUniversity of Georgia.

My first memory of UGA iswhen I was three, running around innothing but my oversized #19 UGAT-shirt. In one photo, I’m wearingthis shirt sitting by my Georgia jerseyclad brother – chubby-cheekedcherubs all in red.

My first UGA football game isnot accompanied by a photograph,because I wasn’t in Athens. Six yearsold, sitting at home, I was glued to aradio in the kitchen. My dad had beenpacing the floors all day; mom hadbeen to the grocery store, buyingspecial treats. And I didn’t reallyunderstand all the excitement until Iheard The Voice. That strange,graveled, but hypnotizing voiceshouting, “He ran right through twomen! Herschel ran right over twomen!”

Baby, I was hooked.We listened to a lot of Larry

Munson that year, and the nextyear my parents started gettingseason tickets. The first few years,

only my mom, dad and grandpawent to the games. My grandma

would watch us kids during thegame, and we’d still get to tailgateand learn the traditions of theBulldog Nation.

My first game – actually in thestadium – well, that was in Auburn.But hey, if it was good enough forCoach Dooley, it’s good enough forme. Besides, I saw Herschel Walkervs. Bo Jackson – not a bad debut.

Since then, well, I’ve only gottenworse.

There are pictures of me in redsuspenders, silver britches and CoachDooley’s hat. I’ve been on the radiowith Loran Smith. UGA is the onlyschool I applied for, I didn’t want toleave when my four years were up,and I’d go back tomorrow.

These days, you can still find mymom, dad, sister and me at homegames. We’ve had season tickets sincethe Davids Era (Greene and Pollack,for the uninformed).

There are almost as manypictures, but the dynamic has shiftedslightly. While my dad still likesUGA tradition, he’d prefer achampionship – 1980 was a longtime ago. My mom likes our familytraditions – tailgating, dressing upand cheering a win. My sister’s thedie-hard, sports-talk-radio fan who’llbuy anything with a “G” on it.

Then there’s me, the emotionalone. Uga’s statue – next to thegravesite – must be patted before eachgame and kissed after each win. Isqueal when I see former players’tween the Hedges, and I’m usuallyfalling over the same Hedges to getan autograph. I cry when we lose, andwhen we win.

I can’t help it. UGA is who I am.Now it’s time to train the next

generation. My brother and his wifehad a baby boy, Dylan, in July. He’salready got UGA booties, onesies anda stuffed Uga.

There’s a slight problem withDylan’s Dawg development though.His mom’s a Tech grad. We love herand overlook this, but there’s someconcern about future UGA/Techgames. I’m even worried about whatDylan will be wearing Nov. 29.

But I know my nephew will backa winning football team, so I’m notworrying much. Mostly, I’m lookingforward to taking him to Athens,showing him my favorite campus,and teaching him to scream,“Goooooooooo Dawgs! Sic ’em!WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!”NCM

The Georgia /

Herschel, The Voice and my nephew

By Holly Jones

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Most people I know claimautumn as their favorite time of year.The leaves are changing to thosebeautiful, warm hues, the air is crisp,and our favorite holidays are justaround the corner.

In our family, the week ofThanksgiving is full of tradition. Wealways decorate our house forChristmas. We trim the tree, hangthe stockings, eat an obscene amountof food and just enjoy spending timetogether.

Then there are the two mostimportant traditions: shopping withthe rest of the insane masses the dayafter Thanksgiving (more commonlyreferred to as “Black Friday”) andattending the football game thatmeans more than any other of theentire season: the Tech/Georgia game.

All my life, the Saturday afterThanksgiving has been dedicated tothis sacred rivalry. Whether thegame took place in Athens orAtlanta, my family was there barringsome catastrophic circ*mstance. Mydad is your quintessential, uber-dedicated Tech fan. No matter whowas coaching, who was attemptingto fulfill the position of quarterbackor how disgraceful our seasonrecord, Dad was going to be therecheering for the Jackets. Havinggraduated as an Industrial Engineer,Dad took Ramblin’ Wreck loyalty toa new level.

Growing up, my siblings and Iwere always decked out in JuniorJacket paraphernalia, usually becauseif it was a home game, there werefree things given to anyone in thoseT-shirts. Mortified 16-year-olds wereforced into their Junior Jacket geareven though the cutoff age is around10. Like an engineer can ever pass upanything free.

Our season tickets usually put ussomewhere in the vicinity of theTech bench so that Dad’s advicecould be heard by the coaching staffwhen belted at the top of his lungs.(I have yet to see any of the coachesstop their sideline berating, turn tothe crowd and say, “What was that,sir? What should we change for thenext route? Speak up so I can writethat down!”)

The game that sticks out most inmy mind took place in Athens oneyear when I was in high school andmost easily embarrassed. As luckwould have it, my dad was scheduledto leave that evening for aninternational business trip. Now, thismeant several things for us kids.First, we were going to be parking asolid eight miles away from thestadium to ensure we would have thequickest exit after the game (or“impending loss,” as I’ve begun tocall the Tech/Georgia game) becauseDad’s greatest fear was that wewould get stuck in Athens and hewould miss his flight. This was aneven more special experience for ussince there was a freezing rain in theair. This rain, in turn, sparked whathas become known in our family asThe Marshmallow Man story. Thecombination of rain, cold andinternational business trip (added tothe fact that my dad is your classicTech grad without the slightestworry or concern over his fashionstatements) led to one of the mosttragic-looking outfits ever worn to afootball game. Let me explain.

First, there was theperfectly normal outfit tobe worn on the plane:jeans and a Tech polo. Ihad, foolishly, thoughtDad was planning onwearing this to the gamewith a jacket over it. Where therest of the clothes came from, orhow he managed to sneak them into

the car without us noticing, I stilldon’t know. Once we were parked andgathering our things, the clothessituation took a turn for the worse.First there were the banana-yellowsweatpants which were, naturally,pulled on over jeans to keep the coldout. Then, to fight the freezing rain,there was a pair of black and bluewindsuit pants over the jeans andsweats. (At this point my sister and Ibegan the cries of “No, Dad! No!”)Over the Tech polo was a Techsweatshirt which was obviously tuckedinto the pants. To top it all off wasthe enormous Tech “Starter” jacketwhich clashed remarkably with thepants. And, out of his determinationnot to get sick before he left foranother distant land, there were skigloves and a bright yellow toboggan.(He stayed perfectly healthy overseas,rest assured.) And layered just so, hewaddled to the stadium not thinkinga thing about it.

My only regret from thisexperience is that there is nophotographic evidence. I can alsoassure you that nothing resemblingthis outfit has ever been repeated, aswe have given Dad such grief over itall these years! And with my ownlittle Junior Jacket due in just a fewweeks, I am confident that I will,inevitably, be an embarrassing parentone day myself.

There sure is nothing better thanfootball and family traditions aroundthe holidays. Go Jackets! NCM

Georgia Tech GameFond memories of Marshmallow Man

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By Carolyn Barnard

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It's a

Small Worldfor miniaturist Heidi Nieuwenhuis of Newnan

rtists can sometimes be moody, flighty, temperamental, passionate – but all inthe name of art, right? Spend one moment in the company of HeidiNieuwenhuis and these sweeping generalizations are thrown out the window,for she couldn’t be more grounded in the here and now.

Indeed, Heidi is enthusiastic about her work but is much more passionate

By Janet Flanigan | Photos by Bob Fraley

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about her family. Her husband Dave is a pilot for ASA, and thenorthern California natives relocated to Newnan after stops inother locales along the way. Heidi homeschools their threeyoungest boys – Gerrit, 12, J.J., 10, and Harrison, 7 – with thehelp of eldest son Darren, 20. “It was my and Dave’s choice tohave four children, so it’s my responsibility to find and nurture

Heidi Nieuwenhuis atwork in her studio

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their talents first before mine. Therewill be time for me to pursue my artfull-time later,” she says.

Yet Heidi still finds time tocreate some custom work each year,

including for her church’s annualTruly Christmas celebration atPeachtree City Seventh DayAdventist. The event is used as afundraiser for different community

charitable organizations, and ladiesdecorate tables with different themesand sell tickets to the event.

“I used to do two or three tablesbut my kids said that they didn’t likeme getting so stressed out aboutpreparing the decorations, so this yearI am only doing one table and I’m justenjoying it so much. The theme formy table this year is ‘WoodlandChristmas,’ and I’m hand creating allthe forest and sea creatures out of clay.The boys are my best critics becausethey are honest. They told me thepenguin’s face looked too maturecompared to the rest of the animalsand his head set wasn’t right – mostpeople wouldn’t be so honest.” Eachguest at her table will receive their ownindividual Christmas Bear holding hisown joyful banner to take home.

In years past, Heidi created anincredible log cabin that lit up and

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MARKET DAY���������� �����������



6:00 PM to 8:00 PMChildren of all ages are invited to

come downtown to welcome Santa to Historic Newnan. Children, bring

your wish list; and parents, bring your cameras.



3:00 PM

Join us for Caroling and a localnon-profit Bake Sale on Friday night and

a Lights Parade on Saturday nightto round out your Christmas season.


1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Start early on your Christmas

list while enjoying refreshments, entertainment,

and in-store specials.



These miniature scenes are some of the recent creations of Heidi Nieuwenhuis.

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blew smoke out the chimney. Hertable guests received a handmadeChristmas chair to take home as theirfavor for that year. The chairs weremade from sticks from theNieuwenhuis’ backyard. Another yeareach person received an ornamentthat had little Christmas trees inside

the clear glass balls, and inside theballs the trees were surrounded bytiny penguins. On the outside of theornaments was written “Untangle theSeason and Enjoy the Reason.”

“I really strive for authenticityand fun in my miniatures, and if Idon’t have the object I will create it,”

she said. “I keep boxes of odds andends from which to create things.”

Once, Heidi was commissionedto create a piece by two daughters ofa lady who was moving into aretirement home and was a little sadabout leaving her longtime house.The daughters told Heidi all about

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“I really strive for authenticity and fun in my miniatures, andif I don’t have the object I will create it,”

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their mother and her favorite livingroom. Heidi replicated it in a small,glass-encased shadowbox thatincluded photos on the walls; a tinylighted curio cabinet that showcasedher beloved bird collection; playingcards; her favorite recliner (handmadeby Heidi) and much more. Anotherproject was an office scene for a ladywho was retiring, and it featured theoffice exactly as it had been duringher years working at the company. Amini calendar on the wall showed thecircled retirement date; the trashcanshowed a photo of a horse and riderdoing Dressage, a particular hobby ofthe woman; and the view out thewindow was the exact view the ladysaw every day in her place ofemployment. Such attention to detailis what brings joy to Heidi.

“I create the miniatures but Ialso switch artistic mediums to keepmy interest and talents growing,”Heidi says. She paints murals, fauxpainting, doll houses and other

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The painting above is anotherHeidi Nieuwenhuis creation, butshe is perhaps best known for theminiature pieces she hashandcrafted of clay, below.

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specialty items and individualpaintings. She tries to “hide”something in many of her muralsand paintings and sometimes in herminiatures. “At Christmas, hiding apickle ornament on the Christmastree is a German tradition and I hidea tiny one on my miniatureChristmas trees,” she says. Thishiding of creatures and things is justa fun nod to her family heritage.

Heidi creates her work underthe professional name Hi-d, and herart website is“I’ve always signed my work withthe name Hi-d since high school andit has stayed with me,” she says.

For the holidays, Heidi doesn’tcreate all of her own decorations,although she does use some pastcreations she’s made for TrulyChristmas. “I’ve tried to really justsimplify at the holidays,” she says. “Igot rid of all the plastic junk a fewyears back. I love to cook and to me,Christmas is about cooking smells!”

The family has collected specialornaments over the years thatremain important treasures, butHeidi says the most cherishedtradition of all is just being together,telling stories and passing downtheir memories. NCM

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By Tina Neely | Photos by Costel Emeott

You are invited to …A Ladies

Christmas Luncheon

It’s almost that time of year ...Christmas time, a time for fun fellowship withfamily and friends as we prepare to celebrate thegreatest gift ever given. What better way to startthe holiday season than by attending aChristmas luncheon! Come experience thefestive decorations, table settings and holiday funthrough the ideas of some very imaginativeladies.

I have gathered some of my most creativefriends to show how they decorate for their

church Christmas luncheons and teas. FromFancy and Fabulous to Country Chic, there arelots of ideas to make your Christmas table agrand sensation. You don’t have to haveexpensive Christmas china to achieve the lookyou’re going for. Use what you have, add a littlenew here and there, or just grab some greatpaper plates. The joy you put into it will surelybe seen. So sit down at the table with us andenjoy yourself!

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Country Chicby Leanne Willoughby

“Simplify” is a word we hear a lot and taketo heart at our church. Leanne has exempli-fied this idea in a beautiful way by her tabledesign. White linen cloth is topped with anatural burlap runner frayed perfectly atthe ends. Wooden chargers are topped byher lovely British Castle dishes, woodsy sil-verware sits upon burgundy linen napkins,and mason jars delicately tied with raffiaare the glasses. Antique spools she hascollected over the years are topped withsmokeless candles. For place cards sheused small ferns in clay pots with notecards placed ever so perfectly. These couldalso double as the perfect gift for guests.Simply beautiful.

Sweet & Sassy by Tina Neely & Melissa Greene

Polka dots and candy. What could be more fun?Christmas dish towels sewn into a runnerinspired this sassy little table. To match the pep-permint candy, polka dots and stripes on therunner, we stacked candy apple red chargers,white dinner plates, and polka dotted dessertplates and tied them with a bow of green satinribbon to give our setting a “gift effect.” For theplace cards, we layered cards on dotted paperplaced at just the right spot on the ribbon as the“gift tag.” Wrapped boxes in colorful paperadorned with various wired ribbons and bowsmade a fun centerpiece. Just to make it a littlesweeter, peppermints showered the table to fur-ther emphasize the colors and patterns. Ballsand ornaments of red, green and white tied withdarling dotted and satin ribbons danced abovethe table. And the gift for our special guests:monogrammed linen towels topped with a reddotted bow, the perfect way to invite our gueststo take a trip to our “Candyland.”

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Bright and beautiful colors are perfect through theeyes of a child. I love it when she does this tableand have always said it looks like a “BirthdayParty for Jesus.” A colorful plaid tablecloth toppedwith a dotted tree runner gets the party started.Santa and snowman adorned felt wine boxes filledwith bunches of color tissue paper make a fantas-tically fun centerpiece. Multi-colored raffia, curledwith a curling iron, dances around the table.Precious Christmas china tops those great candyapple red chargers, and beside them matchingmugs that eagerly await hot chocolate. Glassesshe painted herself hold the cutest napkins you’veever seen, ric rac added for flair. Vibrant treeplace card holders let the kids know just wheretheir special spot is. Santa and snowman cookiejars adorn the table with bowls of colorful M&M’sthat eagerly await little hands.

Birthday Party for Jesusby Ericka Morgan

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Pretty & Personalizedby Robin Baker

Taking from what she does best — making and embroidering personalizedgifts — Robin decorated this table that anyone would love to have their nameon. Centered on the table is a mirror adorned in blue with her family name,topped with stacked “Let it Snow” glass cubes she made herself. Gorgeoussilver chargers, a wedding gift from her Daddy, are topped with personalizedwhite china. Gorham silver ornaments and balls hang from the chandelier, fillglass containers and top the table. For a touch of old with the new, she mixedvarious antique silverware patterns. To mark the place setting and as a mostspecial gift for guests: a personalized Christmas ornament with each friend’sinitials.

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Fancy & Fabulousby Wendy Creel and Ada Cornwell

For a formal presentation of royal proportions,these ladies went all out. Using a mosaic tree asthe focal point of the table, they used fantasticplace settings and decorations that were cho-sen to play off the mosaic. Red chargers, formalchina and golden flatware along with lovelymosaic ornaments adorned the table. Their ideawas to use the jewel tones found in the tree,place settings and decorations to give that“sparkle” effect to the table. No detail leftundone, place cards were made by Ada toaccent the burgundy napkins, ruby glasses andred mosaic candle holders. The pineapples weretheir most exciting “find” for this table, comple-menting the colors and theme and adding aunique touch that would be a welcome gift foreach lady.

Beautiful on a Budgetby Mary Beth Muzio

What kind of table can you do forunder $40? A fabulous one, and youdon’t even have to wash the dish-es! Mary Beth had a great ideawhen she found the wavy shapedpaper plates in a local stationerystore and topped them with the glit-tery present ornaments. Under the

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plates she used red bandanas fromthe craft store to drape for napkins. Asher centerpieces, more fabulous findsfrom a home decor store: dotted potsfilled with glitter trees give it pizzazz.And the cutest clear dotted cups fromthe discount store finish it all off.Beautiful, without breaking the bank!

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Southern Elegance by Ladonna Miller

This table is like a beautiful southern belle – just like the gal whodecorated it. The main focus that gives this table its southern flairis its centerpiece, a pewter platter and bowl filled with magno-lias, cedar, white pine, hydrangeas and crepe myrtle berries fromher yard and topped with pheasants, red berries and sugaredgrapes. The blues in the china are well set off by the brownplacemats and brown napkins, and it all sits elegantly atop herbeautiful brown fabric topper she made from leftover kitchencurtain fabric. This is a traditional table that the family can lookforward to for years to come.

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So, the stage is set for the excitementand joy of the coming holiday season.Are you ready to decorate? Enjoyyourself, your friends and family, andhave fun making it a great tradition,one in which they can’t wait to seewhat kind of table you’ll come up withnext year! Christmas luncheons andteas are a great time of fellowshipwhere friends and family feel cher-ished and enjoy the love put into thedisplays. Following are some of thelunches, dinners and teas plannedlocally this Christmas season. Be sureto call to check for ticket informationand reservations.

Upcoming Ladies ChristmasLuncheons, Dinners & Teas

• Royal Baptist Church, Saturday,Nov. 8, 5 p.m.,770-251-7762

• First Baptist ChurchNewnan, Sunday, Nov. 16, 12:30 p.m., 770-253-0797

• Bethlehem Baptist Church,Grantville, Saturday, Nov. 22,6 p.m., 770-583-2394

• Palmetto Baptist, Saturday, Nov. 22, 6 p.m., 770-463-4642

• Ramah First Baptist Church,Palmetto, Saturday, Nov. 22, 5:30 p.m., 770-463-3516

• Crossroads Church, Friday, Dec. 5, 6:30 p.m.,770-254-0291

• Mills Chapel Baptist Church,Saturday, Dec. 6, 5 p.m.,770-253-7967

• Unity Baptist Church, Saturday,Dec. 6, 5:30 p.m., 770-253-2483

• Orchard Hills Church, Saturday,Dec. 13, 10:30 a.m., 678-854-9180NCM

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If you’re looking for a Christmascraft to make on cozy nights infront of the television, take a cuefrom a local professional and createyour own one-of-a-kind ChristmasBalls.

For about 10 years now, MarthaAnn Parks of Newnan has beenmaking these handcrafted fabricballs using a pattern she got fromher sister, Nancy Smith of SaratogaSprings, N.Y.

Parks, who owns PanoplyInterior Design and Consulting inNewnan, is never lacking for fabric.In her business she receives lots ofwonderful fabric samples, and sheuses these pieces to make the uniqueornaments she always seems to endup giving away to friends.

Smith, who like her sister in

Newnan is a designer, “calls them hertherapy balls,” Parks said, laughing.“You lose yourself in them, and

they’re very relaxing” to make.The Christmas Balls even caught

the attention of Oprah Winfrey’speople when Smith was invited toPennsylvania, along with quite a fewothers, to be interviewed for Oprah’sQVC/Next Big Idea contest. In theend Smith wasn’t selected but stillsaid the experience was “a hoot,”Parks said.

The template is a simple leafshape, traced onto fabric six times,and then the six pieces are stitchedtogether with a quarter-inch seam.A pre-purchased 4-inchSmoothfoam ball (or, if that’s notavailable, a Styrofoam ball) is thentucked inside before the last seam isstitched.

Parks said she has made theseballs from upholstery fabrics, silks,

By Angela McRae | Photos by Bob Fraley

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Martha Ann Parks ofNewnan, at right, and hersister, Nancy Smith ofNew York, have beenmaking these elegantChristmas balls for yearsnow. Parks said sheusually ends up givingaway all of the ones shemakes each year. Bothwomen are designers andhave acquired hugestashes of fabric fromwhich to draw inspiration.

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satins, and just whatever she’s had onhand. Sewing them by hand, she canmake about two of them in anevening while watching TV.

Her 96-year-old mother,meanwhile, stitched some up on thesewing machine and whipped themout much faster.

Once the stitching is complete,the fun part begins. Along the seams,Parks pins ribbon, gimp, strands ofsequin or whatever catches her fancy.(She prefers the Smoothfoam whiteballs because they hold the pinsbetter, but she said the Styrofoamballs can be substituted if necessary.)

She’s made her own “tassels”from strands of beading and ribbon.Some balls she decorated by pinningtiny ribbons all over the piece.

And what colors will fashionableornaments be wearing this year?Parks, who recently returned frommarket in High Point, N.C., saidchartreuse and peaco*ck blue are two“in” colors.

“Brown, of course, has been infor a while and still is,” she said,adding that grays and blacks with a“pop” of color are popular as well.And, of course, “red never goes outof style.”

How to Make a Christmas Ball

SUPPLIES:4-inch Smoothfoam or Styrofoam ballsAssorted fabricsShort straight pins (such as quilters’ pins)Needle and threadRibbons and trimsEmbellishments such as beads, buttons and sequins

Trace leaf template onto fabric and cut out six panels. Parkslikes to use two different fabrics, cutting out three pieces ofeach and alternating them on her balls.

Place two of the pieces together, right sides facing, andsew with a 1/4-inch seam. Repeat until all fabric is joined andone seam remains. Turn right-side out. Insert the ball, tuck thefabric under, and whipstitch the fabrics closed.

Using pins, add ribbon, trim or embellishments of yourchoice along each seam. If desired, top with a bow hanger andadd fringe or tassel to the bottom of the ornament. NCM

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Cut 6

With right sidesfacing, stitch

together with 1/4"seam

1 2 3 4 5 6

Assembly diagram

Christmas Ball pattern

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Days ofChristmas


Join us online for our

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Be sure to visit newnancowetamagazine.combeginning Dec. 1, when we’llhost a “Twelve Days ofChristmas” online event cele-brating seasonal crafts andcooking.

You’ll learn to make ourcover wreath, which isactually made from strips ofnewspaper from The Times-Herald. (We do, ahem, rec-ommend that only TheTimes-Herald be used inorder to obtain the highestquality wreath!)

We’ll sharesome favoriterecipes, our ideasfor making “cone”Christmas trees ina variety of styles,and there just mightbe a surprise give-away or two as well.Be sure to pay us a visit!

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REVISED 10-3-08

Calendar of events for the LaGrange – Troup County Area


November 17th Advent Workshop, "Christmas in the

Gospels" at the Explorations in Antiquity Center – for info

please call 706/885-0363


November 22- 2:30 p.m. & November 23rd – 4:30 p.m. The

play "Eleemosynary"

presented at Price Theater, LaGrange College – for more

info call 706/880-8266

Photos courtesy of Adam Richards

(Continued on page 44)

Christmasin LaGrangeChristmasin LaGrange

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44 | N E W N A N - C O W E T A M A G A Z I N E

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Center - for info call 706/882-9909 –

Web address –

December 5th thru 14th – Follow the

Shepherds Walks" – Explorations in

Antiquity Center – for info, please call

706/885-0363 – website

December 7th thru December 14th –

"Nativity Festival" Five LaGrange


will host a Nativity scene tour in their

sanctuaries - View religious art

from around the world. – All of these

Nativity scenes are on loan to the

churches for this special event. For

more info, please call 706/883/ 3955.

December 7th – West Georgia Hospice

Tour of Homes at 2 p.m. – Tour starts

at Hills & Dales Estate – Tickets are

$25.00 – for info contact Joyce Wood

at 706/845-3905

December 19th 20th 21st –

Christmas Drama – "Long Road to

Bethlehem" –

Explorations in Antiquity Center –

for info please contact 706/885-0363


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ost people recognize it takes a specialbreed of person to be a kindergartenteacher, and White Oak Elementary’sVicki Hunter is in a class unto herself.Yet if there is anything more

important to Vicki than her classroom family, it’sher family at home. However, she makes everyonewho visits feel like a part of the Hunterhousehold. The junior high and high school youthfrom Newnan Presbyterian Church are ofteninvited over by Vicki and her son Derek, aneighth grader at Evans Middle School, for partiesand gatherings. Vicki often turns to old familyrecipes to feed the throngs of hungry teens.

“I just love having the kids over and Derekdoes too,” she says. She smiles as if it’s no work atall, but busy people know entertaining teens takeseffort, even if it is enjoyable.

Even with her busy teaching schedule, theHunters often host these get-togethers at theirhouse. Often when kids hit the teen years, theydiscourage their parents from any relationship withtheir friends, but Derek is right there with hismom as a co-host. Their strong mother-son bondis a refreshing reminder of relationships that can bereinforced through simple, mutually satisfyingactivities – such as preparing spreads of food!

Kitty Lambert often partners with Vicki tohelp plan fun activities for the kids. Kitty is afourth grade teacher at Northside, and her sonAndrew is at Evans with Derek, so it works outgreat, Vicki says.

Several recipes for the party come from afamily cookbook Vicki’s maternal side of thefamily compiled to honor their culinarytraditions. The Cheese Strata is a traditionalChristmas breakfast dish and something Vickisays “feeds hungry teens nicely as well.” Thebiscuits are quick, easy to prepare, and can beserved with ham or a choice of filling. Thechicken salad is delicious, light and easy to servewith bread or crackers. One last word about thechicken salad from Vicki: “Most people add waytoo much mayo to chicken salad and it’s toogreasy. If you do it this way, it will be a favoritefor years to come!”

By Janet Flanigan | Photos by Bob Fraley





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2 cups self-rising flour1/3 cup Crisco2/3 cup milk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Put flour ina pastry blender (or large bowl if youdon’t have a pastry blender). Quickly cutin Crisco with 2 knives until the mixtureresembles coarse meal. Add milk andmix just until blended. Do not overmix.Roll out on pastry cloth to 1/2-inch thick-ness and cut out biscuits with a 2-inchfloured biscuit cutter. If you don’t have abiscuit cutter, a jelly jar will work too.Bake for 10 minutes or until goldenbrown.

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12 slices bread2-2/3 cups milk1 teaspoon salt2 eggsTabasco (to taste)1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 pound sharp cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter an 11 x 18-inch baking dish. Remove crusts from bread.Mix milk, salt, eggs, Tabasco and garlic powdertogether. Layer six slices of bread in bottom ofpan. Layer cheese over bread, and then add inremaining six slices. Pour milk mixture over alland refrigerate overnight. Bake for 30 minutesuntil puffy, slightly brown and cooked through.


Large package of bone-in, skin-on chickenbreasts (about 4-5 large breasts)1 medium onion, diced2 stalks celery, diced, and celery leaves,choppedSalt and pepper, to taste2 cups green grapes, cut in half1 (2-ounce) package slivered almondsTabasco, to taste1 large spoonful Miracle WhipCrackers for serving or bread, toast points, etc.

Cook chicken breasts in water with choppedonion, celery leaves, salt and pepper for aboutan hour until a fork can easily be stuck throughthe meat. Cool and strain the broth, reservingbroth. Cool the broth in refrigerator. Whencool, skim off fat and freeze broth for soup forlater use when desired.

When chicken is cool, cut meat from skin andbones. Pull into bite-size pieces. Add choppedcelery stalks, grapes, almonds, salt and pepperand Tabasco to taste. Mix slowly with handsand add a spoonful of Miracle Whip, justenough to coat the chicken mixture and get itto stick together but not greasy.

Serve with crackers, bread or toast points asdesired. NCM

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here’s “no place like home for the holidays,” as the oldsong goes. If you’ll be home for Christmas, take a breakfrom the hustle and bustle of the season to enjoy thesights and sounds of a uniquely hometown season.

The 10th annual Coweta Christmas will be Saturday,Nov. 15 at the Coweta County Fairgrounds on Pine Roadin Newnan. The Chi Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an

organization of educators, sponsors this annual event with a bazaarfeel. Jena Martin of Alpha Delta Kappa said the vendors will haveitems ranging from kettle corn to hairbows and home remedies.

It’s the perfect opportunity to pick up those small gifts that canmake someone’s Christmas. Coweta Christmas funds the

organization’s scholarships for high school students, the FerstFoundation and the Community Welcome House.

Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and food will be available forpurchase. Martin said nearly 30 vendors are expected along with a

Secret Santa shop and activities for children. Sand artist Bill Busserwill be set up near the children’s activities.

“It’s just phenomenal what he does,” said Martin.The holiday season means goodies, and the Coweta Christmas silent

auction will include treats as well as items donated by the vendors. “Wewill have our home baked cakes,” she said.

Shoppers will enjoy the voices of local school children withelementary and middle school groups performing holiday favorites. Two dancing

groups will also provide entertainment.Coweta Christmas is free and open to the public. There is a minimal charge for

children’s crafts, a secret Santa shop and photos.For more information, call Jena Martin at 770-328-8489.

Homefor the


• The charming town of Senoia willhave a merchants’ holiday open house, atour of homes and the Light Up Senoiacelebration, which includes a parade.

Suzanne Helfman of the SenoiaDowntown Development Authority saysthe famous Clydesdale horses will makean appearance Saturday, Dec. 13 from 6-8 p.m. Holiday activities are planned, andthe town’s shops will have open housesthe same day. The Candlelight Tour ofHomes is Sunday, Dec. 14.

Light Up Senoia festivities getunderway at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 6.

For more information, call Helfmanat 770-599-8182 or Gail Downs at 770-599-9155.

By Nichole Golden

Other holiday events for 2008 inCoweta County include:

• The 40th Annual Newnan-CowetaArt Association Christmas ArtistMarket will be Friday, Nov. 7, fromnoon to 7 p.m. at The History Centerat 60 East Broad St. in Newnan.NCAA artists will display their artsand crafts, giving shoppers anopportunity to purchase unique andone-of-a-kind merchandiseincluding fine art, crafts, jewelryand other gift items.

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• Grantville’s Calico Christmasevent will include a parade, concertand banquet.

The Calico Christmas Parade,including visits with Santa Claus, willbe Saturday, Dec. 13. The parade willbe on LaGrange Street in Grantville,and the time is to be announced.

The Christmas Concert will also beDec. 13 at the Sarah H. O’KellyAuditorium with school choral groupsand the Masterworks Choraletentatively scheduled. For details onthese events and the banquet,including times,, or call or e-mailKim Sasso at 770-583-2518 [emailprotected].

• “New Old Town Sharpsburg”will have several Christmas events thisyear. The Christmas Open House willbe Saturday, Nov. 8 from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. Shoppers can bring their camerassince Santa will arrive at 4 p.m. forvisits with the children andphotographs. Then at 6 p.m., Mr. Clauswill light the hamlet’s Christmas tree ascarolers sing in the streets.

The town’s merchants will haveCustomer Appreciation Day Saturday,Dec. 13 throughout the day.

• Newnan Community TheatreCompany will present its comedyversion of the holiday classic AChristmas Carol on Nov. 28-30, Dec. 5-7and Dec. 12-14. The Theatre is locatedat 24 First Ave. in Newnan. Curtaintimes and ticket information can befound online or by calling770-683-6282.

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• Main Street Newnan has plentyof holiday events beginning with theHoliday Open House on Sunday, Nov.9 from noon to 5 p.m. Early birds canget a start on shopping withdowntown merchants offeringrefreshments and in-store specials.

Santa arrives Friday, Nov. 28 andwill be on hand from 6-8 p.m.Children should bring wish lists andparents should bring cameras. Santawill return for an appearance in theNewnan Christmas parade Sunday,Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. This year’s paradetheme is “Downtown: The Heartbeatof the Holidays.” For paradeapplications and rules, visit online

Linda Bridges-Kee of Main Streetdefinitely has a favorite Christmasevent. “The Festival of Lights, by far,”she says. “It was so much fun.”

This year the Festival of Lightswill be Dec. 19 and 20 with carolinggroups performing and a non-profitbake sale held on Friday night.Participating residents open theirdoors to carolers with refreshmentsserved. A lights parade will be heldSaturday evening.

“We also will be having horseand buggy rides,” says Bridges-Kee.“And, they’re free.”

For more information on anyMain Street Newnan holiday event,call 770-253-8283. NCM

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The Tiki Hut Lounge is always ready for a party at John andCarolyn Ellison’s Roscoe home. At right is their sunny,tropical-themed living room.

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By Janet Flanigan

Photos by Bob Fraley

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isitors to John and CarolynEllison’s home receive their first

clue this is no ordinary place whenthey see the sign posted on the tree-lined drive: “Ahoy Mates – LeaveYour Trouble at the Gates.” This fun-loving, world-traveling couple meansevery word of it too. They are allabout good times.

It hasn’t always been smoothsailing for the Ellisons. They wereenjoying an idyllic life in Big PineKey, Fla. when Hurricane Georgesh*t in 1998 and submerged theirhome under eight feet of water. Johnrebuilt their home himself, but theyeventually decided to try a moreinland approach to life. The couplehad originally met in Marietta, soGeorgia seemed a logical destinationand they selected Newnan four yearsago. With daughter Jennifer and sonMike both in the Atlanta area, theadded bonus of getting to see

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grandchildren made thedecision easier.

Because John grew upon the water scuba diving,boating and swimming,the pull of the Keys wasstill great. Carolyn was afarm girl from thepiedmont of theCarolinas, so the movewas easier on her but shewould miss Florida aswell.

The Ellisons decidedto recreate a bit of theirisland paradise here.With his own handsJohn built the EllisonCabin, including suchdetails as palm treecutouts for the deckrails, vaulted ceilings fornatural lighting, and therequisite Tiki hut.

“I didn’t even see the house untilit was well under construction,” saysCarolyn, “but I trusted him.” Johnhad built several homes before andsays he’s learned by trial and error.

The real tale ofthis house is thevariety of excitingartifacts the couple hasfound on their travels

and throughout their marriage.Each symbolizes a time or place.In the upstairs loft is a 1947Soap Box Derby Racer Johnrefurbished. He selected thismodel because it was during1947 that he decided to alwaysbe self-employed.

“I sold popcorn for a pennya box at the race that day,” Johnsays, “and I sold 50 boxes — 50cents for a hard day’s work. Mydad said ‘Well, I would havegiven you the 50 cents!’ Idecided no, I wanted to earn

that money myself. I also made avery important decision that

day that I would alwaysbe self-employed,

and I always was.” John owned

his own companyand throughout hislife has been able to

take his family onmany adventuresthroughout theworld. There is a

replica of a pearldiving boat fromBora Bora in theliving room,

fashioned fromhalf an old hull ofa Hobiecatamaran.

John’s loveof water is

everywherethroughout the

Surf’s up, Santa! This dollhumorously echoes the Ellisons’fondness for the Florida lifestyle.

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house, and replicas of old divingapparatus are evident throughout thedecor. “I got crazy about the waterwhen I was a boy when I saw a moviecalled South of Pago Pago,” recallsJohn. “It was about pearl diving, andI thought ‘I have got to try that’ andwe have.” Carolyn isn’t as enthusiasticabout swimming and diving, but she’sa great sport about her husband’spassions. “I grew up on a farm with a

cautious mother who was alwayswarning us of the dangers of water,that I would drown,” she says with alittle chuckle. “So it took me a longtime to acclimate to swimming andthen skiing in winter.”

Their favorite spots have includedBarbados, Grand Cayman, Cozumeland Italy, but they’ve been to manylovely spots around the globe.

These travels are reflected in

their home and in the collections.Any favorites? John thinks a momentand answers, “It’s hard to pick butthe crossbow from Honduras is veryspecial, and the blow spear forhunting monkeys is also quiteinteresting.” He adds, “It’s for eatingthe monkeys, of course.”

Going down the stairs visitors seean incredible 1950 authentic spearfishing gun, framed on either side by


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John and Carolyn Ellison may missFlorida, but the tropical flavor is ondisplay at their home in Newnan.

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two replicas, then it’s into the“Indian Room” which houses uniqueNative American artifacts, includinga grand collection of handguns and arare Chippewa musket.

The basem*nt is a repository ofmore modern memories, testimony toa life lived in full. There are photos of

fun times and a few sad ones too,including pictures of the hurricane-ravaged home in Big Pine Key.

The outdoor Tiki Hut is thefrequent site of parties and also holdsits share of mementoes. A retro-painted submersible says “The ReefRoom Restaurant,” and cutout surfers

adorn the ceiling while a stuffedgorilla swings jauntily from a trapeze.In full groove on a lovely evening, theTiki Hut parties with pond view offera perfect “tropical getaway.”

Does he miss living in Florida?John gets a faraway look in his eye.He does, but coastal insurance is so

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expensive, he just doesn’t know if itworks anymore. Carolyn, on theother hand, is pretty happy here andsays they are fortunate as they have amountain getaway, so she’s contentsimply traveling to warmer watersonce in awhile.

In the meantime, the Ellisons

have created an oasis of warmth andcomfort here in Newnan whereanother sign advises, “May your lifebe filled with relaxing sunsets, cooldrinks and sand between your toes.”Life’s pretty good at the EllisonCabin, so … when’s the next TikiHut party? NCM

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John Ellison, opposite left,studies some of the photographs

that remind him of life back inFlorida, a lifestyle now enjoyedat his home in Roscoe. Ellison

made the deck railing with palmtree cutouts, above, himself.

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Georgia filmmakingset to take off –and Newnan’s TerryChenowith can’t wait

By Janet Flanigan | Photos by Bob Fraley

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or Newnan’s award-winning filmmaker Terry Chase Chenowith, it was a highschool prank that helped set the stage for his successful career.

“When I was a teenager, my friends and I always filmed our adventures,”Chenowith says. “We took a huge old hollowed-out television console, popular inthe ’70s, and one of us would climb inside it and ‘do’ the news.” One day they

were filming while Chenowith read the news inside an old TV console. A friend lit gunpowderoutside the television and blew it up with him inside. Fortunately Chenowith wasn’t hurt, but

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he earned the nickname “thesmoking guy” which followed him toThe University of Indiana.

“It was scary – I was on fire!” herecalls. “But the camera neverstopped rolling, so I knew we wereserious about it.” While he outgrewhis “smoking guy” reputation,Chenowith’s passion for filmmakingwas burning brighter than ever.

Before he made films,Chenowith thought he’d be a teacherand a coach. He worked his way up

from cameraman to video producerto major Hollywood film producer,finally achieving success on a largescale with The Devil and DanielWebster starring Sir AnthonyHopkins and Alec Baldwin. After thesuccess of that film, Chenowith andwife Robyn, whose parents live inAtlanta, decided in 2002 to move toGeorgia to raise their children Coleand Ally.

“For the first six years of living inSharpsburg, I couldn’t conceive ofmaking a film here,” Chenowithadmits. “But Senator MitchSeabaugh has worked hard to make itboth possible and affordable to bring

independent film projects to Georgia.Scott Tigchelaar and Paul Lombardiof Riverwood Studios have workedtirelessly as well.”

In May of 2008, GovernorPurdue signed new legislation thatboosts state incentives by as much as30 percent for the entertainmentindustry. Chenowith says Georgia’scredit incentives for filmmakers havecreated one of the most attractivedeals for production companies inNorth America. “This includes NewOrleans, North Carolina and evenCanada,” he says. “It is called ‘showbusiness’ with ‘business’ being,unfortunately, the ultimate decidingfactor in many deals.”

Chenowith says he is takingmajor strides to bring outsidefinanciers and productions toGeorgia, Coweta County andRiverwood Studios. “I want to showHollywood that we can make greatmovies in ‘Mayberry,’” he says.

Chenowith says he always has10–12 development deals going at anyone time, in various stages ofproduction. He lives in CowetaCounty but still works in Los Angeles.

“The film business demands thatI work in Los Angeles and keep anoffice there, so I travel to the WestCoast frequently,” he says. With thenew tax incentive program and thepossibility that he will be able to getfilms made here, his hope is that “I’llbe able to come home to sleep whenwe’re filming once in awhile!”

This busy Hollywood/Newnanproducer, writer and director hascome a long way from the days of the“smoking guy,” but his passion forfilmmaking has never waned, andnow filmmaking in Georgia is readyto take off. Chenowith is buzzingwith excitement and on the lookoutfor films that we can’t wait to seemade here in our home state.

Georgia’s creditincentives forfilmmakershave createdone of the mostattractive dealsfor productioncompanies inNorth America.

Chenowith’s currentprojects in the productionpipeline – several ofwhich may be filmed allor in part in Georgia –include:

Driver Ed – A highbrowconcept comedy co-written byscreenwriter MichaelCunningham and Chenowith. Anex-NASCAR driver brings hisexperience from the track to theclassroom to teach teens andseniors the “rules” of the road.Negotiations are underway withseveral “A” list directors andactors. Terry Chase Chenowithand Jack Robinson, producers.

The First 500 – Screenwriter of Hoosiers and RudyAngelo Pizzo turns his talents tothe track to tell the story of thevery first Indianapolis 500 race.Terry Chase Chenowith andJack Robinson, producers.

Dog & Pony – Screenplayby Terry Chase Chenowith. Ageold romantic comedy rekindlesthe notion that men and womencan’t live with each other andhilarity ensues because theycertainly can’t live without eachother. Terry Chase Chenowithand Jack Robinson, producers.

One of Our Own – DirectorAbe Levy’s twisting tale of thepursuit of the perfect nuclearfamily gone wrong as twofamilies struggle over thesurrogacy of a baby. Film isawaiting distribution. Robert F.Sprowls, David Shoshan, JackRobinson, Terry ChaseChenowith, producers.

Men of Honor – Localfilmmaker Mike Jones’documentary series about the

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1 mile



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men and women who servedtheir country with valor anddistinction during WWII andultimately received theCongressional Medal of Honor,many posthumously. Series is tobe produced at RiverwoodStudios. Terry Chase Chenowith,executive producer.

Black Warrior’s Curse –Chenowith has secured the filmrights and will write thescreenplay for Black Warrior’sCurse by Newnan writer Joe H.Harless. This tale is thefictionalized account of theviolence of the civil rightsmovement in the Deep South inthe ’50s and ’60s from theperspective of both a youngblack man and a young whiteman coming of age in Alabama.Terry Chase Chenowith,producer.

Beautiful Dreamer –Directed by Teri Farley-Teruel,Chenowith’s award-winningWWII love story features Joe(Colin Eggleson of All MyChildren), a bomber pilot whowas shot down during actionand suffers amnesia. Hisgirlfriend Brooke (ClaireLangton of The Replacements)believes he was killed in actionuntil she runs into him in a smalltown. But he doesn’t recognizeher ... and will he? Other well-known stars of this movieinclude James Denton andBarry Corbin. Beautiful Dreamerhas won seven national andinternational awards and isawaiting national release. TerryChase Chenowith and JackRobinson, producers. NCM

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heila Richards Harper speaks, andfolks do a double-take. Could it be?Yes, radio fans, it really is. Harper is,indeed, the same award-winning DJ

and morning talk show host from WVFJ-FM(J93.3) whose voice awakened manyCowetans from 1999 to 2002. Harper’s funpersonality and unforgettable laugh havebrightened the day of Christian and countrymusic fans for years. Many will also recognizeher voice as Kelli Roberts, Rhubarb Jones’sidekick on Y106-Y104 from the early ’90s,and Kelli Richards at other radio stations inLouisiana and Savannah. Harper’s dailysignoff then and now is “Let your light shine,”a motto she exemplifies.

Harper has been involved with radiosince her early twenties. Just two weeks shyof starting law school in her hometown ofLouisville, Ky., she accepted a job at a radiostation, a better fit for her love of drama andmusic.

Today, Harper continues to touch livesin Coweta and beyond. After J93.3 wentthrough some changes, Harper found herselflooking for a job.

“I thought I might go back to country

By Meredith Leigh Knight | Photos by Bob Fraley

Former DJ Sheila Richards Harpertouching lives in Coweta and beyond

Lettingher light


At the Summit YMCA are, from left, Wellness Director DebiBonecutter and Wellness Coaches Shelia Richards Harperand Susan Waryold.

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music,” says Harper. “When doors werenot opening, then I thought maybe Godwants me to do something besides radio.”

Harper soon connected with the non-profit organization Summit Family YMCAand became a wellness coach.

“I wanted to help people who are plussize believe in themselves and believe theycan do it because that’s where I am,” saidHarper, who has struggled with weight foryears. “I love being a coach. Through radioand coaching, I have learned to listen andto help people.”

In addition to coaching, Harper is alsothe active older adults coordinator for the

YMCA. She organizes events for the group,called Club 55, and is currently involved incompiling and editing a cookbook as afundraiser for them.

And if that’s not enough, Harper’s loveof radio prompted her to take a job as air-personality (also known as DJ) on the radiostation KLOVE, a Christian station heardin 44 states. Although it’s not picked uplocally, Cowetans can listen to it online After years on the nightshift, Harper is now working weekends atKLOVE in order to spend more time withher husband, Jimmy, 10-year-old step-daughter, Jessie, who calls her SMOM(short for step-mom), and their three dogs.

These days, Harper focuses on savoringthe little moments in life. Three years ago,during a fundraiser in California forKLOVE, she ate some sushi. Afterward shefelt bloated, full after eating only a few bites,and had some difficulty breathing. Thinkingshe had contracted a parasite from the sushi,

Now working at the Summit Family YMCA,Sheila Richards Harper of Newnan has a

familiar voice to Christian radio fans whoused to hear her as a DJ on J93.3 FM.

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”“Through radio

and coaching, Ihave learned to

listen and to helppeople.

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she was adamant with her doctorsthat they continue to test her. Thediagnosis: stage IIIC ovariancancer.

“God used sushi to save mylife,” said Harper, who encourageswomen to be proactive with theirdoctors and to listen to theirbodies. “I went for a Pap smearevery year, but a Pap smear doesnot check for ovarian cancer. It’sso important to get checked if youhave any of these symptoms.”

“God takes something yuckylike cancer and makes good comeof it,” said Harper, now inremission, who helps others ontheir cancer journey throughfriendship and by raising awarenessin her speeches. “I want people toknow that and believe God doesmiracles today. I don’t know whysome live and some die from thisdreaded disease, but I know Hesees the big picture—I don’t.”

During her illness, Harperreceived messages ofencouragement from family andfriends, including her co-workersand listeners from J93.3 andKLOVE as well as other stationsaround the country.

“I’ve learned there is life afterradio,” says Harper, who was one ofthe few women to receive theCountry Music AssociationPersonality of the Year Award (1995),the equivalent of an actor winning anOscar. “I’ve learned a whole newcareer, and I have more depth in mylife. Rather than radio beingeverything, it is a part of my life.”

Music continues to upliftHarper, however.

In Contemporary ChristianMusic, Harper says, “The songs aren’tjust background music, each song hasa message of hope, of love, ofcomfort, of joy.”

Two of her theme songs when

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Shelia Richards Harper shows theCMA Award she received as

Personality of the Year in 1995.

she had cancer were “Show Me YourGlory” by Third Day and “If YouWant Me To” by Ginnie Owens. Shealso notes there are some greatChristian songs in country music,which Harper loves. Favorite artistsinclude Rascal Flatts and MartinaMcBride.

Harper continues to use herGod-given talent doing voiceoversand can be heard in movie theatrecommercials regionally, includingGreat Escapes theaters in HenryCounty and the Dacula area. She hasalso started her own company calledSunshine Girl Voiceovers.

In addition, Harper leads a Biblestudy called Thin Within, a Christianweight loss program. Her future

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plans – or “bucket list,” as she calls it– include doing more writing,developing her idea for a children’sbook series, going to Amicalola Fallsand visiting Greece.

“I loved working at J93.3. Iloved my listeners and miss beingthere with them each morning,” saysHarper. “When I was looking for ajob a while back, my pastor told methat I’m not gifted for radio; I’mgifted to be a communicator, whetherit is coaching at the Y or leading aBible study. And as far as radio goes,mornings or not, if the right dooropens, I’m there.” NCM

Editor’s Note: Since our inter-view, Shelia learned her cancerhas returned. Says Shelia: “Ihave many friends and familypraying for me, so I go forwardlike Verizon, with my ‘network’with me. However, when it comestime to go into surgery, to takechemo into my body, it’s only meand God. My mom gave me thisverse that has helped me somuch recently, since discoveringthe recurrence, Psalm 118:17, ‘Iwill not die, but live, and will pro-claim what the Lord has done.’”Shelia urges women to learnmore about ovarian cancer andalso to have a sense of humor. “Itold friends that in honor ofSeptember being ovarian cancerawareness month, I was having arecurrence, to create aware-ness! I encourage everyone torealize how short and preciouslife really is. And that God put adream in each of our hearts, hasa purpose for each of us … don’twait for someday, do it now.Make memories. Love everyone.Breathe in each sunrise, sunset,each moment.” Friends and fansmay check on her progress

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Imtiaz Anees:

Aiming for

the topBy Martha A. Woodham | Photos by Bob Fraley

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Imtiaz Anees at his SpringtownStables near Moreland

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ost athletes who represent theircountry at an Olympic Games

have the help of an army ofcoaches and trainers and the

luxury of weeks to prepare. When event riderImtiaz Anees found out he might be able torepresent his native India in the 2000 Olympics,he had less than 24 hours to get his horse, SpringInvader, to the competition venue.

After weeks of waiting to find out if he wouldbe allowed to compete, Anees was finally given theofficial OK the day before the competition began.The first time Spring Invader saw the Olympicdressage arena, where the other international ridershad had ample opportunity to practice, was whenthe somewhat inexperienced horse had to performin front of 80,000 spectators, a daunting prospectfor even the most seasoned equine athlete.

The story of Anees’s journey to the gamesreveals his tremendous drive to reach the top ofhis sport, eventing – the triathlon of horse sportswith competition in dressage, cross-countryjumping and stadium jumping – and how hismethodical planning has helped him overcomedaunting obstacles that might have stopped others.Although India is known as the birthplace of poloand has a history of horse racing, eventing ispractically unknown there. The country does noteven support an Olympic equestrian team.

Growing up in Bombay (Mumbai), Anees,who has made Coweta County his home since2001, was blessed with the opportunity to ride.

“At age five, I won my first competition,” hesays. “My mother and grandfather, both beinghorse enthusiasts, were pleased that I hadembraced riding – until riding began to take overmy life.”

Passionate about eventing, Anees moved toAustralia in 1992 to ride and earn a degree inequine management. While in college, Anees wonhis first major three-day event on a borrowed horse.He then won bronze medals at the 1995 AsiaPacific Championships and 1998 Asian Games.

In November 1999, he and Spring Invaderqualified to represent India at the 2000 OlympicGames in Sydney. They were 18th on the wait listwith little chance of competing, but he continuedto train, hoping by some miracle that not all ofthe qualified horses would travel to Australia.

He gambled and put Spring Invader,

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only Asian rider to complete theevent (including the team event) andthe first Indian rider to ever completean Olympic three-day event.”

Anees came to Coweta County in2001 to train horses for theHaralsons, whose Smokey Road farmhas been profiled in Saddle Up.Eventually he began training horsesand teaching students throughoutmetro Atlanta. His career with Kevincrested when they represented Indiaat the 2002 World Equestrian Gamesin Spain. Kevin was then sold andtoday enjoys an international career

in Europe.Kevin’s legacy as the horse to

jumpstart Anees’s career continues.Anees used his purchase price to buya 30-acre farm near Moreland wherehe now has a training operation. Thebusiness is named SpringtownStables, in honor of Kevin/SpringInvader and another advanced horsewho did well for Anees, Freetown.

Now Anees’s mornings are spentworking the 10 horses he has intraining. Most belong to clients, buthe has an up-and-coming advancedhorse, Extravagance, an AustralianThoroughbred known as “Extra.”Levi, a 9-year-old New ZealandThoroughbred, is another promisingprospect.

“Extra is one of the nicest horsesI’ve owned, with the sweetestdisposition,” says Anees, who giveshis 2-year-old son, Zameer, rides onExtra. “I get on Extra in themornings when it’s quiet, and it’s thebest feeling – just me and my horse.I’m very fortunate to have him.”

Afternoons are spent in his barnoffice, where photos of Aneesjumping Freetown hang. When he isnot teaching students, this is his timeto concentrate on planning – eachhorse has a lesson and nutrition plan– and on strategic marketing for thethree equine companies he represents:F-R-M Feed, Equilite horse careproducts and Kentucky PerformanceProducts. Planning is key to hissuccess, he says.

“It’s not about spending 24 hoursa day riding the horses,” he says.“Having a marketing and businessbackground helps my mind and mybusiness. You have to have goals.”

He is also open to newopportunities. For example, this pastsummer, when most Americans wereglued to their TV sets watching theOlympics, Anees was staring at asmall computer monitor in a

nicknamed “Kevin,” into quarantinelike the other equine competitors.His eventing coach, Diana Wilson,flew in from England to train Aneesand the Australian Thoroughbred,who had never competed at thisadvanced level. Anees’s wife Masume,who knew nothing about horsesbefore the two met, led a small armyof friends who volunteered asgrooms.

“Kevin was a bit nervous, butthen he relaxed and did a good test,”Anees says. They finished 23rd intheir first four-star event. “I was the

Barn Manager Edi Arangies and Imtiaz Anees work with one of the horsesat Springtown Stables near Moreland.

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Connecticut studio and typing likemad. NBC Sports hired him as acommentator for its live streamingvideo service on the Internet duringthe 2008 Games in China. He wasone of a group of about 100 athletesfrom a variety of sports whodescribed the live competition takingplace on the other side of the world.

Weekends are filled withcompetitions, clinics and appearancesfor his sponsors.

“I have lost a lot of studentsbecause I don’t teach on theweekends,” Anees says. “I also haveto have time with the family. My wifehas found consolation in the fact thatwith the feeding, grooming andrugging [blanketing] routine that Ipractice with my horses, I am welltrained to handle a baby.”

Although Masume, a graphicartist, doesn’t ride, she has gamelysupported Anees, acting as his groomat competitions. When the two firstmet, she did not know his goal was tobecome a professional rider. When hecompeted in an event just days beforetheir wedding, she worried that hewould fall off and miss the ceremony.

“Now that my business hasgrown, Masume has resigned fromthat high-paying job,” Anees jokes.“But she is always there for me oncross-country day.”

Each winter, Anees closes hisbarn and moves horses and studentsto Florida, where they spend twomonths showing and training. It’s anopportunity for him to train withsome of the top event riders in theUnited States – Olympic medalistsDavid and Karen O’Connor andBuck Davidson. His new goal? The2010 World Equestrian Games inKentucky.

“I’m always striving to improve,”he says. “The minute you stoplearning, you might as well hangyour boots up.” NCM




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Minutes tell story of

Reading Circle’s first centuryby W. Winston Skinner

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inutes can be fascinating for whatthey tell – and what they don’t.

As a newspaper reporter and ahistory buff, I have looked throughmy share of minutes. The minuteskept by government bodies tend tobe spare and, particularly in moderntimes, pretty boring. I suspect thatattorneys have advised their clients tostick to the bare essentials to avoidany tangled legal issues.

I have pored through churchminutes for more than one project.The older ones tend to be flowery. Indealing with controversy, churchminutes often are masterfullyincomprehensible. My wife, Lynn,keeps the minutes for our churchconferences and often includes adirect quote or some other device toshare the flavor as well as thesubstance of a meeting.

The Newnan Reading Circle iscelebrating a century this year, and

the history of that august group ofthinking ladies is told – in variousdegrees of descriptiveness – in theminutes kept by the secretary.

Obviously, during the past 100years, the Reading Circle has had anumber of secretaries. Some have hadflowing pens that rolled on withdetails about programs, refreshmentsand the tenor of the gathering.Others have been acerbic to the pointof leaving the modern reader withquestions about what actuallyoccurred.

An early secretary was MissCorinne Simril, whose minutes havetheir own literary flair. At times, theydrift in the direction of poetry – nota bad way to record history for thosewho have that gift. A much latersecretary – one I knew personally –was Miss Maryella Camp – aneducator in Newnan for years withsharp, often expressed opinions. I was

a bit amused to find that MissMaryella’s comments in the minutestended to reveal her wit but not thebarb that was likely to be part of aconversation.

The shortest entry ever was in1941: “Due to providentialhindrances, there was no meeting ofthe Reading Circle on March 27.”What occurred that late March amongthe literary group’s members is left amystery to us. Those “providentialhindrances” must have been roughindeed, as I have known the ReadingCircle to proceed with a plannedmeeting in spite of weather that closedlocal schools, business and industry.

Corinne Simril’s observations onthe weather at a particular meeting areworth sharing: “Our calendars havesaid good-bye to summer almost twomoons ago, but still she lingeredgraciously among us, enhancing theloveliness of autumnal glory.” Miss

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Memorabiliafrom theNewnanReading

Circle includes picturesof the club members in 1934

and 1950, above, and some ofthe historic minutes of the

meetings, at left.

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Newnan Reading Circle members in1969 included, front row, Julia Bowen,

Virginia St. John, Mary Brown, RosalynMcKoy and Ysabel Odom, and at back,

guest Rachel McElroy, Carrie MayMcElroy, Marjorie Hatchett, Evelyn

Banks, Marian Sewell, Eleanor Blalock,Maryella Camp, Catherine Glass,Virginia Dillard, Pat Glover, Mary

Nixon, Ada Smith, Eleanor Hubbard,Edith Cole and Genet Barron.

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Simril went on to add the name of the member at whosehome the meeting was held and acknowledgement of thefact that another member “leaves soon to make her home ina neighboring city.”

Mrs. Ada Smith used similarly colorful language todescribe a meeting at the elegant home of Mrs. EvelynBanks in 1966. “Following the program, a picnic supperwas served on the terrace overlooking the beautifulgreensward with the lake in the distance on which swansswam back and forth for our delight,” she wrote.“Peaco*cks on the green entertained us by spreading theirbeautiful fan tails of color.”

The social aspect of the organization often peeksthrough the formal verbiage. At one meeting, it was notedthat the presenter wisely abbreviated her commentsbecause the program was getting to be a bit long.

Yet the minutes reflect the interest of the ReadingCircle members in the hometown of Newnan – and thegreat, wide world beyond. Programs on scientific, socialand literary topics are explained in some detail in theminutes. At the very first Reading Circle meeting, thefledgling group was invited to gather “for conversationabout things other than daily chores.” The members of theReading Circle have always been – and continue to be –women who think, read and converse about art, music,history and current events. Enjoying a tasty crumpet or teafrom a china cup is the accent, not the focus.

The role of women in the world has often been atopic for Reading Circle meetings, as the minutes reflect.A 1942 meeting on “Women of Today” includedsegments on women in the armed services, Hollywoodwomen in support of the war effort, writer Ellen Glasgow,singer Kate Smith and photo-journalist Margaret Bourke-White. I would love to know if there was any mention ofErskine Caldwell, the novelist born down the road nearMoreland. His marriage to Bourke-White was unravelingin October 1942 as Newnan’s literary group met. Alas,the minutes are silent on this subject.

The minutes record that in 1972, Lavinia Barron“gave a very clear explanation of how the Woman’sLiberation Movement came into being, how it has its goodpoints and to what foolish extremes some have carried it.”

The minutes quote Mrs. Barron as concluding thatwomen’s liberation “is, as of now, an unchartered course.”

The same could be said of the Reading Circle itself,as its members gather to meet once more on the cusp ofits second century. The charting of that course will, nodoubt, be revealed – meeting by meeting – in theminutes. NCM

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By Megan Almon | Photos by Jeffrey Leo

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With each sweep oftheir bows, the Centre

Strings orchestral players

create individual strains ofvibrating sound, charging

the air in the Centre for

Performing and Visual Arts

auditorium. If thosestrains were visible,

they might betraced — like

sparkling trails of

pixie dust — to the

tip of Conductor Lyn

Schenbeck’s baton, her

own magician’s wand.

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Since its conceptionin the fall of 2004,Centre Strings hasdeveloped intosomething altogetherother, a reflection of itscreator. While manycommunity orchestrasare known for their cut-throat competitivenessover seating positions, Centre Stringsplayers willingly “mix it up” so thatamateur players are able to sit next tothose more experienced. Surprisingly,the all-inclusive arrangement ismutually beneficial.

“I believe competition destroysan ensemble,” Schenbeck said. “Itcan get wicked.”

Centre Strings members vary inage almost as much as they vary inskill-level. True to Schenbeck’sphilosophy, 10-year-old Tyler Nigro,a talented young violinist, teaches asmuch as he learns from players whoare nearly 80.

“There are so many [stringinstrument] players in CowetaCounty,” said Centre Stringsmanager and longtime violin teacherLaini Benefield. “We want to make

Dr. Lyn Schenbeck says membersof the Centre Strings play

“anything from Bach to rock.”

Harrison Brown

Tyler Nigro

Allison Vessell

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sure that people who want theopportunity have it.”

When it comes to what’s played,it’s no surprise that Schenbeck’smusical tastes are, as she put it,“eclectic.”

“We play anything from Bach torock,” Schenbeck laughed.

Schenbeck has never known a lifewithout music. A quiet child whogrew up near Manhattan, she wascontent to sit beneath the piano andlisten to her mother’s skilled fingerscaress the ivory keys. Her mother,now 89 and living just up the streetfrom Schenbeck’s Newnan home, was“a wonderful concert pianist” whomade her debut at New York’sSteinway Hall, met Schenbeck’s father,fell in love and devoted her life toteaching children with cerebral palsy.

Though Schenbeck’s first musicalinstrument was by and large her voice– she could sing “high in the sky” andwith the same proficiency “belt outBroadway tunes” – she received aviolin at the age of 6. But her love ofmusic was “merely a byproduct.”

“I think I was born to teach,” shesaid.

Schenbeck majored in musiceducation at the State University ofNew York at Potsdam’s Crane Schoolof Music. At 21, she kicked off herteaching career in Canton, N.Y.,where she also taught voice lessons atnearby St. Lawrence University.

It was the first of manyopportunities for Schenbeck. TheCentre Strings’ conductor has taughtkindergartners and college students,the brightest talents and the severelydisabled with the same fervor, allwhile dabbling in “side jobs”including recital performances,commercial spots and backgroundrecordings.

In the mid ’70s, Schenbeck spentthree years developing a musictherapy program for more than 80

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residents – most of whom wereblind, deaf-blind, multi-handicappedor retarded – at Selinsgrove StateSchool and Hospital in Pennsylvania.

The program attracted attentionstate-wide when Schenbeck provedmusic therapy could be substitutedfor heavy tranquilizers.

When she isn’t grasping aconductor’s baton, Schenbeck is

immersed in research for what shecalls her “life project.”

Schenbeck’s academic account ofthe 1921 all-black production“Shuffle Along” will be included inan edition of Music in the UnitedStates of America. Also, Schenbeckwas contacted by New York City’sEncores!, a program dedicated toperforming the full scores of great

American musicals in concert.In 2004, Schenbeck was working

at LaGrange College when CPVADirector Don Nixon contacted herand said, “You’re the person I need tostart an orchestra.”

Schenbeck launched The CentreStrings with 12 players. This year, thenumber is hovering around 40. Theorchestra may soon grow at a steadyrate thanks in large part to a secondphone call from Nixon in 2006.

“We have an opening for astrings teacher in one of our middleschools,” Nixon told her. Herresponse: “I don’t think so.”

Dr. Lyn Schenbeck leads arehearsal of the Centre Strings.

Kaitlyn Adams

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But the more she thought aboutit she realized, “That’s where I need toget the children – when they’reyoung.”

“As you get older you begin toreally think, ‘Where can I make adifference?’” Schenbeck said.

So she took a job at Smokey RoadMiddle School. She began the stringsprogram in 2006 with around 12students, no classroom, no budget, nosupplies and virtually no instruments.

There are currently 122 “strings”students at Smokey Road, learning toplay the guitar, electric guitar, violin,cello, bass and viola. Schenbeck is“awed” by her colleagues, and enjoyscoordinating with the school’s bandand choral teachers. “We all just wantthe kids to be in music,” she said.

Next fall will bring yet anotheropportunity for Schenbeck, who hasaccepted a teaching position atCentral Educational Center whereshe will teach classes in the arts,including strings and voice.

“My passion is coming fullcircle,” she said. “This is anopportunity to bridge the gapbetween youth and college/adults. Ifeel really lucky.” NCM

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The Centre Strings’ fallconcert will be Dec. 16at 7 p.m. at Coweta’sCentre for Performingand Visual Arts. Theorchestra will play worksby Beethoven, Corelli,Mozart and LeroyAnderson, in addition toseveral selections frommusical theatre.

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Members of Macedonia Baptist Churchin Newnan held their annual HomecomingCelebration in August, and as part of thecelebration they mounted a display ofheirloom quilts. Organizers said, “In a veryreal way, the quilts on display are a recordof God’s faithfulness to His people. Eachquilt is the tale of a family’s heritage, of thelegacy left by those who came before. Eachstitch holds a story of God’s love andsymbolizes the faith that binds the family ofGod together. Just like these beautifulquilts, may the patchwork of our livescontinue to tell the story of God’s grace andmercy so that those who follow us maypraise the Lord, too.”

— Photos and text courtesy ofMacedonia Baptist Church

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This quilt was given to JanetCortner by her mother, although thereis no record of the maker. It is theEvening Star pattern and is more than50 years old. The quilt was made inNew York.

This quilt was loaned by Verna Hayes. There isn’t much knownabout the history of this quilt, but it was made in Georgia by LonieChambers, Verna’s mother, well over 50 years ago.

This quilt was loaned by Helen M. Camp. Itwas made by Helen’s mother, Gene RutlandMoore, for her family’s everyday use sometimebetween 1928 and 1940, in Alabama.

This Wedding Ring quilt wason loan from Mary George Potts.Sara Marlow, her sisters and friendsin Carrollton made it for Mary’smother, “Maudia,” at the time ofher wedding to George Potts.

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On loan fromMartha Hendrix, thisquilt is made in theDiamond Primitivepattern and was stitchedby Martha Walker (1842-1924), the great-great-grandmother of Mrs.Hendrix. It is estimatedthat the quilt is over 100years old, having beenmade between 1895 and1905. The quilt waspassed to Great-grandmother DoraWalker Mitchell,Grandmother JimmieMitchell Hardegree,Mother Faye HardegreeTarleton and then toMrs. Hendrix. Accordingto Mrs. Hardegree, thebacking of the quilt iscoffee dyed. The quilthas been kept in a cedarchest since 1940.

On loan from MelvinHendrix, this lovely oldpatchwork was made in Georgiamore than 60 years ago byHendrix’s grandmother, CarrieRicks Dingler (1878-1961).Grandmother always lived withthe Hendrix family and was aspecial person to them. Shemade a quilt for each of thechildren.

This quilt was loaned byAndy Gosnell. It was made byFannie Louise Gettys (1896-1942) in North Carolina and isabout 80 years old. It wascalled a summer quilt andserved as a cover and a spread.

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This Churn Dash quilt was onloan from Jessie Johns. Another ChurnDash pattern quilt was made by LucyJohns in Georgia, sometime prior toher marriage in 1937. She pieced ittogether, then paid an aunt $5 to dothe quilting. It is approximately 73years old.

This quilt wason loan from AndyGosnell. This quilt’sage is unknown, butit is known that itwas made byMildred Hendron,in Georgia.

This quilt was on loan fromLinda Scogin. She said, “Made bymy mother, Lourine Hullinger, inIllinois, more than 70 years ago,this quilt is done in the Nine-Patch Kaleidoscope pattern. Mamahand stitched the top in the1930s, got busy, and stored it inthe cedar chest. We discovered itabout 50 years later when shemoved in with us. At that time wehired it to be machine quilted tothe backing.”

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This quilt was on loan from Pam Zirkle Kuehl. “From beautifulForestville, Shenandoah County, Virginia, comes this very old Crazy Quiltdesign with crow foot stitching. It was made by Great-grandmotherElizabeth Pence Zirkle in 1860-61, making it 118 years old.”

This quilt, on loanfrom David and BethBlevins, was made byGrandmother IdaBlevins in Alabama.The pattern was FlowerBasket Applique, andthe quilt was given toDavid’s parents as awedding gift.

This quilt was on loan from Janice Miller. She said, “ThisOrange Appliqued Poppy quilt was made by my mother, ViolaWeightman, in Pennsylvania. My mother made this quilt for mebefore Jim and I were married. She was an avid quilter; every winterthe quilting frames went up in the dining room and every spareminute was spent poking away at the quilt with those tiny little‘between’ needles.”

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This quilt was on loan from Judy K. Moore. Her maternal grandmother,Grace D. Stubbs, and the Ladies Aid of the Clifton Methodist Church inAtlanta made this butterfly quilt some 80 years ago.

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This quilt was on loanfrom Marie Powell, who saidthat “during the late 1800s orearly 1900s, Great-grandmother Hardegree madethis quilt in Georgia. It wasgiven to my grandmother byher mother, then given to meby my grandmother when Imarried in 1980.”

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n 1835, when shereturned from herhoneymoon on theContinent, MarthaTurnbull was filledwith a dreaminspired by thegardens of England,Italy and France. Sheand her husband builtRosedown, a Federal-Greek Revival style home, on their 3,455-acre cotton and sugarplantation in St. Francisville, La. For 60 years, Martha and her slaves labored to buildone of the South’s finest and most extensive ornamental gardens. The home isapproached by a 660-foot-long oak avenue and is surrounded by 18 acres of formal andinformal gardens with an extensive collection of imported plants. James R. Cothrannotes in Gardens and Historic Plants of the Antebellum South, “In time, the gardens atRosedown overshadowed the plantation house, an anomaly that seldom occurred during

Your Garden JournalStory and artwork by Katherine McCall



ughtful G


The Ultimate Garden Book:



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the antebellum period.” Inspiring asher gardens are, equally inspiring isher diary detailing the planting andmanagement of the gardens for 60years. The Sixty Year Garden Diary ofMartha Turnbull, Mistress ofRosedown Plantation, 1836-1896provides us with valuableinformation on plants and gardeningpractices of the time along with aglimpse of plantation life.

Likewise we can keep recordsas we till and tend our plot of land,although they probably won’t be aslarge and far-reaching as Mrs.Turnbull’s. Keeping a gardenjournal or diary is one of themost organized ways to keep arecord of your garden. Somegardeners use the “shoebox”method of keeping records – allpapers, receipts and plant tags gointo a box which, hopefully, getslabeled with the dates of itscontents. While this is easy andinexpensive, a more organizedapproach will reward you witha garden record that isattractive, easily referenced andinspiring. A garden journal is agood idea for many reasons; itcan provide valuable informationfor planning and planting yourgarden, remind you of what workedand what didn’t, track sowing andharvesting dates, and record pestsencountered – good and bad. Keeping track ofyour micro-climate and soil conditions can helpyou figure out why your neighbor’s azaleas areblooming and yours are not. Like MarthaTurnbull, we might be inspired by visits to publicand private gardens or by leafing through amagazine. Your journal is a great place to keeptrack of these inspirations to guide your planning.

There are a variety of ways to recordinformation from the garden. The biggest task isactually doing it. Developing the discipline of sittingdown for just a few minutes each day and recording what


There are a variety of ways to record

information from the garden.

The biggest task is actually doing it.

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you have observed can reap largebenefits in the planning andenjoyment of your garden. Asmotivational coach Jim Rohn hasstated, “Success is nothing more thana few simple disciplines, practicedevery day.” One of the easiest andquickest ways is using a wall calendaror day planner. On any particularday, just jot down the info you’re

interested in.My grandmother, who

summered in Highlands, N.C. formany years, faithfully recorded thedaily weather conditions there for atleast five years, and we still have herstack of 1970s calendars. Be sure tosave your calendars in a place youcan find them next year so you canreference them monthly.

If you want something moreflexible and with more room to storeinformation, a three-ring binder isinexpensive and has great versatility.It has lots of room for adding pagesand can be customized to your needs.Use page dividers to delineate areassuch as your calendar, plants, maps(landscape plan) of yard and beds,inspiration, photos and sketches,

These are somepages from theGarden Journalkept by the author.In the entry nearright, she took noteof what was in theDriftwood GardenClub’s hangingbaskets downtown.

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... It can provide valuable information for

planning and planting your garden, remind

you of what worked and what didn’t, track

sowing and harvesting dates, and record pests

encountered — good and bad.

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garden pests, companion planting and croprotation, etc. There are several web siteswhere you can download free gardenjournal pages for your binder or create yourown to meet your needs. Thomas Jefferson,another great record keeper, developed hisown garden “Kalender.” He used a bound

ledger-type journal and made columns withthe headings of “(plant), where, sowed,transplanted, come to table (harvested),gone, seed gathered, and observations”across the top of the page. He kept recordsof his gardens at Monticello and Shadwellfrom 1766 to 1801.

Another option is bound journals that

Another option is bound journals

that are usually bought at

bookstores or gift stores.

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are usually bought at bookstores or giftstores. These contain various planningpages along with inspiring photos. Inthe end, no matter how you choose torecord your observations, write whatyou are interested in and what will serveyou in the future. Seasonal landmarks,such as the first forsythia spotted inspring, the first frost, or the return ofthe yellow warblers in the fall, will behelpful to some. Others may opt for amore detailed accounting oftemperatures and weather conditions.Maybe all you need are photographs orsketches. It is perhaps the ultimategarden book—one specifically plannedand designed with you and your gardenin mind. Most of all, it gives you a wayto more fully enjoy your garden byleaving you with tangible evidence ofyour fleeting creation to enjoy all yearround. NCM

Just in time for Christmas, Katherine McCall is giving awaya binder containing “A Record of the Garden,” the beautifulnew garden journal she has designed. Register to win For more information, visitKatherine’s blog at

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yelled theconductor, asthe whistleblew fourtimes. Noneed to worryabout missingthe train. Myfamily and I were already seated inour assigned vintage open air car,excitedly awaiting our ride on theBlue Ridge Scenic Railway.

We departed from an historic100-year-old depot, located indowntown Blue Ridge, Ga., an easytwo-hour ride from Newnan. Blue

Ridge is aquainttown thatoffersantiqueshops, artgalleries,specialtyshops andrestaurants.Prior todeparting,

we visited the depot’s gift shop for apostcard and Girl Scout patch,exploring the town on our returntrip. For those who are spending the

By Meredith Leigh Knight | Photos courtesy of Blue Ridge Scenic Railway

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The Blue Ridge Scenic Railway

“All aboard!”


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night in one of the area’s cabins orbed-and-breakfasts, be sure to checkout “The Swan,” one of Georgia’s lastremaining drive-in theaters.

The train sets out on a leisurelypace through historic MurphyJunction, along the beautiful ToccoaRiver. This railroad was built over 100years ago and is the only mainlinerailroad excursion service based inGeorgia. The line was threatened withbeing removed in the early 1990s butwas saved thanks to local investors.Since operation began in 1998, thetrain has been staffed entirely withtrained volunteers, who are quick topoint out sights along the way.

For the best viewing, my familyenjoyed the open air car, whichfeatured foot heaters, but airconditioned/heated coach cars areavailable, including a special assist carthat is handicapped equipped. Eachcar has a unique history. Be sure topurchase a trip guide to find outmore about them.

Perhaps the most adventurouspart of our train ride was navigatingbetween cars, as the train clippedalong the track, to the concessionstand. The kids also liked it when theconductor punched their tickets, justlike the Polar Express.

The train follows a 26-mileround trip route and, during ourride, included a two-hour stop in thetwin border cities of McCaysville,Ga., and Copperhill, Tenn. Much totheir delight, the children were ableto “walk the line” between Georgiaand Tennessee. We crossed intoTennessee, walked a block, and thencrossed the river back into Georgia,causing my seven-year-old sonCarson to say, “I never knewTennessee was such a small state!”

Each season brings its own fun to the railroad. Mother Nature providesthe entertainment for the fall foliage trip, serving up a healthy dose of color.The November schedule varies, but as the colors grow more spectacular,tickets become harder to find, so make reservations early.

Beginning Nov. 28, Santa Claus comes to town – by train. The Santatrain ride lasts two and a half hours with no layover. The children are sure tolove singing Christmas carols, sipping hot chocolate and sitting on Santa’sknee while riding the train. Just not all at the same time!

It’s too cold to think about, but when the weather warms, try the rail-and-ride adventure, which combines a relaxing train ride to McCaysville witha wild tube river ride down the Ocoee River or a carefree tubing adventuredown the Toccoa River (one of the few rivers that flows north). The railwayhandles the ride, and then the Rolling Thunder River Company takes care ofthe transportation back. My son was chomping at the bit to give it a try andmade me promise that we would make a return trip this summer.

Ticket prices vary by season; group and senior discounts are available.Box lunches are available upon request. Children under two ride free ifsitting on a parent’s lap. For more information or to reserve your ticketsonline, visit or call 1-800-934-1898 or 1-706-632-9833.

• Be sure to give yourself plenty of time so you don’t miss your train. Boarding begins 30 minutes before departure.

• A few younger children were startled by the train’s loud noises but were allowed to move farther back from the engine en route.

• Dress comfortably and wear good shoes.• One smart mom a few cars up brought blow bubbles that she waved out

the open air car, entertaining many sleepy children on the way back.• Restrooms and changing stations are available on the train.

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Words to the wise

Ready to ride?

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Meet a Newnan-Coweta Magazine


Allison Wienand first “dipped her toe” into business in the way that many mothers do: by starting a home-based business. She has been very successful with Homemade Gourmet, a company that sells meal planningproducts that help people prepare delicious meals at home in 30 minutes or less.

After her husband Bernie retired as Vice President of Operations of Foley Products, Allison decided sheherself might like to take on an additional work challenge, but she knew it had to be on her own terms. Theirninth grade son, John, has an active schedule at The Heritage School and they are involved parents. She didn’tneed to work but wanted to challenge herself in a new way.

A few years back Allison had been a devoted member of Curves, a women’s-only fitness center, but shedropped out in 2001 when she underwent breast cancer treatment. She now calls herself a “breast cancerthriver,” and when she heard that Curves had a location near Target for sale, she was interested. Sheencouraged friends Hope Haydon, who also serves as Business Manager at Carolyn Barron Montessori School,and Homemade Gourmet Team Member Melodie Wilson to partner together. They purchased Curves thissummer, and the challenge and excitement is just what Allison was looking for.

Allison is a Savannah native but after living in Newnan for 16 years wouldn’t consider anyplace else home.

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What is your idea of perfect bliss?Perfect bliss? Gosh … I guess that would be afamily vacation with Bernie and John withabsolutely no worries! And it would have toinclude Marlin fishing because we love to dothat as a family. I would love to go to Australiabecause my sister lives there. The perfectsolution would be Marlin fishing off the coast ofAustralia and seeing my sister on the same trip.That would be bliss.

Okay, now what do you think of as “misery”?Misery is when things are unbalanced at home –when I’m worrying about my child, the future,things like that.

What are the traits you most value in a friend?Dependability is extremely important; friendship isnot a one-way street. Someone who’s fun, has awillingness to listen and is available to lean on isa good friend and I offer the same things back.

What are three things we might find on yournightstand right now?The remote control, alarm clock and MaxLucado’s “Moment in Time.” Missy Ballantynegave it to me when I finished chemotherapy and Ireferred to it a lot back at that time.

What’s your favorite hobby?I am so into stitchery! Right now I’m doing anafghan and doing some potholders to give asdoor prizes for our Curves Breast CancerAwareness Girl’s Night In and we’re very excitedabout it.

How did having breast cancer affect you?Initially, when I was diagnosed, it was very scary.But I came to realize that most people who arediagnosed with breast cancer are survivors andthe medicines are getting better every day. Andbelieve it or not, in some ways cancer may havechanged my life for the better. I truly realizedhow important everything is and I try to live mylife like that. I try not to let the little thingsbother me anymore – it’s just not worth it. I havea favorite verse of scripture quoted in my MaxLucado book from Proverbs 4. It says to becareful what you think because your thoughtsare your life. “Wisdom is supreme; therefore getwisdom. Though it cost all you have, getunderstanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)

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Bank of Coweta ............................100

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Bennett’s Antiques ........................79

Jay S. Berger, M.D., P.C.................31

Bradley’s Antiques and More ......44

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Parks & Mottola Realtors..............39

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Plum Southern ................................42

Radiation Oncology Services ........3

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Funeral Home ........................59

Savannah Court of Newnan ........63

Scott's Book Store ........................85

Simple Treasures Children’s

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West Georgia Hospice ..................43

January/February 2009 Advertising DeadlinesPublished: January 2, 2009; Contract Ads: November 19, 2009;

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Besides, she grew up in thatcabin. Edgewater is the only placewhere Lilly truly feels she canbreathe, and right now she needshelp remembering how. Edgewaterholds so many memories for Lilly.

In true Anne Rivers Siddonsfashion, readers are taken backthrough Lilly’s memories, readingnot only her current heartbreakbut also what shaped her life.

The story of how Lilly andCam met is part of the history,and how they fell quickly andmadly in love and married. Beforethat it’s the story of how Lilly losther mother to cancer and nearlylost her father to his grief.

But that is not all of Lilly’spast, and not what shaped hermost. The summer Lilly is 14she meets Jon, a golden boydesperate to escape his father’sdomination. From themoment they meet, Lilly andJon are inseparable – biking,sailing, watching osprey – it

doesn’t matter to Lilly what they doas long as they are together. Buttogether is exactly what PeachesDavenport, Lilly’s nemesis, does notwant. She wants Jon for herself, andit is an argument that Peaches startsthat ultimately drives Jon onto a boatin the middle of a storm – never tobe seen again.

Off Season is a story of love andloss, and how true love is never reallylost – a tale told best by Anne RiversSiddons.

The Santa LettersBy Stacy Gooch-AndersonSweetwater Books, $16.99Reviewed by Holly Jones

“Dear Jensens,” the letter begins, “Iknow that this year has been a difficultone for you. You have dealt with numer-ous challenges and faced many of yourbiggest fears, and, yet, in light of it all,whether you know it or not, you havemanaged to become stronger as you’vefocused on what’s really important.”

Several paragraphs later, near the endof the letter, the writer says, “Every day Iwill deliver a few items in a box along

Off SeasonBy Anne Rivers SiddonsGrand Central Publishing, $24.99Reviewed by Holly Jones

Lilly Constable McCall is convincedher house is haunted. She’s not scared ofher ghost; it’s just her dead husband,Cam. And the house he’s haunting is thesummer cottage in Maine where her fami-ly came when she was young, where shemarried Cam, and where their familyspent summers after that.

When Anne Rivers Siddons’s latestnovel, Off Season, begins, Lilly hasreturned to Edgewater, Maine to scatterCam’s ashes. Summer is almost over, tem-peratures are dropping, storms are comingin, and no one among Lilly’s family andfriends wants her to stay in the Edgewatercabin alone. No one has ever stayed in thecabin after summer; it’s never been win-terized. And a fat, yellow-eyed cat namedSilas and a potential ghost are not thebest company for a grieving widow.

Lilly is insistent, though. She’s stay-ing in the cabin until Cam’s ashes arespread and she can’t hear his voice any-more. After all, Cam died in the cabin, soit’s only logical Lilly would hear himthere.

with a letter detailing your instructionsfor an activity meant to teach you thetrue meaning and gifts of Christmas.Once you have emptied your Christmasbox, set it back on the front porch behindthe bench.

“It is my sincere hope that you enjoythese holiday offerings before allowing toomany of life’s treasures to pass you by.”

The letter is signed “Loving always,Santa.”

Actually, all of the letters are signedthat way, because in Stacy Gooch-Anderson’s The Santa Letters, the Jensenfamily receives 12 such notes. The firstdelivery arrives on the Jensens’ frontporch one afternoon just before the kidsget home from school.

At first, mom Emma doesn’t know

what to make of the mysterious envelopeand accompanying package. She’s gotenough to worry about without having tosolve a Santa mystery. Her beloved hus-band died less than a year ago, and she’strying to make ends meet and survive abroken heart. Though she tries to hide it,her kids know she cries herself to sleepevery night, and she hopes they’ll forgiveher when there’s not much of a Christmasthis year.

The boys, Jesse, Michael and Jaden,


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Newnan-Coweta Magazine, November/December 2008 - [PDF Document] (97)

Campbell points out, “if you followyour bliss you’ll have your bliss,whether you have money or not. Ifyou follow the money, you may losethe money, and then you don’t evenhave that.”

If you doubt that people stillneed myths, look at box officereceipts of this summer’s DarkKnight. See young people dressed astheir favorite characters at the mid-night premiere at the local cinemaor at mammoth events like Atlanta’sDragonCon. I see it in my four-year-old son’s eyes when he playsStar Wars Lego or Batman Lego onthe PS3. Despite all our modernsophistication, our need for thesemyths – especially among the youngor young-at-heart – has not abatedone jot.

And if you want to understandthe underpinnings of that universalhuman need, there is no better placeto start than Campbell’s Hero With aThousand Faces.

As George Lucas said, “As abook, it is wonderful to read; as illu-mination into the human condition,it is a revelation.” NCM

seem to understand. Emma’s youngest,her daughter McKenna, has other ideasthough. McKenna knows that God, Santaand Daddy will take care of Christmas;they all just have to believe.

That’s when the letters start arriving.Each day’s message has a theme and

a task for the Jensens – sometimes theyare told to decorate a tree and makes’mores, other nights they are given ticketsto a Christmas concert and told to savorthe music. Over 12 days, they learn aboutfamily, forgiveness and faith. Andalthough she is nervous about the lettersat first, Emma is soon as excited as herchildren about Santa’s secret deliveries.Because with each day, Santa gives Emmaback her family as well as the true joy ofChristmas.

The Hero With a Thousand FacesBy Joseph CampbellNew World Library, $21.95Reviewed by Jeff Bishop

Growing up in the 1970s as I did,Star Wars was firmly at the center of mymental universe. I begged my mom totake me to see Star Wars from the sum-mer of 1977 until my ninth birthday, inJanuary of 1978, when she relented. Thewalls of my room were decorated withDarth Vader and Chewbacca posters col-lected from the Newnan Burger Chef. Iwould save my allowance and beg mymom to take me to Kmart so I couldsnag the latest Hammerhead orSnaggletooth action figure.

Ten years later, when I got my firstapartment in Athens, I bumped my footagainst something while I was mangling“Smoke on the Water” on my faux Strat.I reached under the bed and pulled out abook, The Power of Myth, by JosephCampbell. Luckily, it had pictures, or Imight have tossed it aside. Who caresabout myths? Isn’t that something we’reforced to learn about in middle school?

But flipping through, in addition tothe expected pictures of Zeus and Mt.Olympus, I also came across pictures ofDarth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Thiswas an approach to mythology I hadn’tthought about before.

Originally published in 1949, TheHero With a Thousand Faces has influ-enced not only George Lucas but alsomillions of readers by combining theinsights of modern psychology withCampbell’s revolutionary understandingof comparative mythology.




Now comes a brand-new edition withexpanded notes and 60 new illustrations; itis by far the best edition of this seminalwork.

People are now worrying about their401(k)s and job security. But ultimately, as

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Newnan-Coweta Magazine, November/December 2008 - [PDF Document] (98)

98 | N E W N A N - C O W E T A M A G A Z I N E

things I’ve learned ...

as an Antiques CollectorAs told to Elizabeth Richardson

Barbara Tumperi was born in Louisville, Ky., and is a proud graduate of the University of Kentucky. She and her late husband,Bob, have three children who live across the Southeast. The Tumperis moved to Newnan in 1979 – the move was the 15th forthem since Bob traveled first with the Army, then for various jobs. It was while living in Philadelphia that Tumperi developed aninterest in antiques. One need only look to her Princess Anne Victorian home in Newnan’s Greenville-LaGrange historic districtto see her appreciation for the past. Her antiques collection ranges from inherited period pieces – including her great grand-mother’s clothing — to silhouettes, salesman sample furniture and old sheet music from as far back as the 1920s. In addition toantiquing, Tumperi keeps busy as a volunteer with Piedmont Newnan Hospital’s Auxiliary, where she’s served for 28 years.

(1) If you’re looking for something, set a price in your mind. Then, if you find something you really love and it’s maybe $50 morethan you want to pay, the biggest mistake is saying, “I’m not going to pay that – I’ll get it down the road cheaper,” because youwon’t. (2) When people are buying things, they should buy from a reputable dealer, and get as much about the provenance aspossible. Make sure it’s not being manufactured down the street. (3) Some people buy antiques as an investment, and othersacquire items they really like. I buy something because I like it. It won’t be put away in a box. I think you need to put them outand use them. (4) Antiques are to be enjoyed. They were once a part of someone’s home. That’s what I like – it’s not just aboutbuying, it’s about reflecting on what people and that period in time were like when they used the item. (5) To me, antiques area reflection of the past that create a sense of nostalgia – a yearning for a past that was or wasn’t there, or perhaps an escapefrom today’s complex, busy and sometimes superficial world. People once took pride in making their own furniture, clothing andfood. Antiques remind me of the way I grew up. (6) There are things you may want to collect that you won’t be able to. Youcan’t spend time, money or effort looking for something that nine times out of 10 isn’t available – like, for me, Kate Greenawayand Tasha Tudor illustrations. (7) Sometimes you’ve got to travel to find the unusual pieces – and there are a lot in the NewEngland area. You eventually come to learn that some places are more likely to carry certain things than others. The search ispart of the fun, especially when you go looking for one item and find something else in the process. (8) You can do researchon collectibles and antiques on the Internet, though, admittedly, I don’t know how. But, I would not buy antiques over theInternet. I would want to see it, examine it and turn it upside down. (9) It’s a good idea to get to know a dealer and let themknow what you’re looking for. A dealer once called me with an unusual silhouette. I took the item to Chicago to an authority onantique papers who advised me to take it to a conservator. What are the chances I would have come across something wherethe dealer knew who the subject was, and the artist had written the background on a note still glued to the back of the piece?(10) I appreciate things that are well made and have a history, even if it’s a picture of my grandmother or thimbles thatbelonged to my family. I think of how many times I’ve moved, and I’m amazed that they’re still in pretty good condition. NCM

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Newnan-Coweta Magazine, November/December 2008 - [PDF Document] (99)

Deck the Halls with Safety in Mind

Warmest Wishes for a Safe and Wonderful Holiday Season

If you put up a live tree, buy one with fresh, green needles.If the greenery isn’t fresh, it can lead to a greater fire risk.Keep the tree’s base holder filled with water at all times –even if you have to water it more than once a day.

Choose a spot for your tree that’s at least three feet clearof fireplaces and other heat sources.

String lights that have the Underwriters Laboratory mark.It means that engineers have tested samples of lights forrisk of fire, electric shock and other hazards.

Plug no more than three strands of lights together or intothe same outlet. Follow the manufacturer’s instructionswhen using electrical decorations.

Before you plug in last year's lights, inspect them for crackedsockets, frayed, loose or bare wires and loose connections.

If you have to replace a light bulb or fuse on a strand oflights, unplug it first.

Replace faulty light strands and electrical decorations ratherthan trying to repair them.

Keep lights and electrical decorations out of the reach ofchildren and pets. They can cause a shock or fire if misused.

Some lights are designed for indoor use only. Check yoursbefore hanging them outdoors.

Turn off decorations and lights before leaving the house orgoing to bed.

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Newnan-Coweta Magazine, November/December 2008 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.