LGBTQ+ Friendsgiving Guide - An Inclusive Feast | OutCoast Nation (2024)

Get ready to host the most epic LGBTQ+ friendly Friendsgiving feast with our ultimate guide! Friendsgiving is a time-honored tradition where friends come together to celebrate gratitude, friendship, and of course, delicious food. Whether you’re a seasoned Friendsgiving host or a first-timer, this comprehensive guide will help you plan the perfect feast that will leave your guests raving for weeks.

From choosing the ideal location to selecting a mouthwatering menu, our guide covers everything you need to know. We’ll share tips on creating the perfect guest list, setting a festive ambiance, and making sure everyone feels included. You’ll also find foolproof recipes for classic Thanksgiving dishes with a twist, like our savory stuffed turkey and mouthwatering pumpkin pie.

But Friendsgiving is not just about food; it’s about creating lasting memories with your chosen family. So, we’ll also provide recommendations for fun activities and games that will have everyone laughing and bonding throughout the day.

With our ultimate Friendsgiving guide, you’ll take your hosting skills to the next level and create an unforgettable feast that your friends will be talking about for years to come. Let’s get started!

What Is Friendsgiving?

Friendsgiving is a modern twist on the traditional Thanksgiving celebration. It’s a gathering of friends who come together to celebrate the holiday, typically held on a date close to Thanksgiving. The idea behind Friendsgiving is to create a warm and inclusive environment where friends can enjoy a delicious meal and express their gratitude for each other.

Friendsgiving has gained popularity in recent years because it offers a more casual and intimate alternative to the often formal and extended family-focused Thanksgiving celebrations. It allows friends who may not have the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving together to come together and create their own traditions.

Why Friendsgiving Is Becoming Popular, Especially Among LGBTQ+ People?

Friendsgiving has been on the rise in popularity, and this inclusive celebration holds particular significance for LGBTQ+ individuals. There are several key reasons behind its growing appeal within this community.

First, Friendsgiving offers LGBTQ+ individuals an opportunity to gather with chosen family and friends, especially when family dynamics might be complex or unsupportive. The LGBTQ+ community often faces unique challenges related to acceptance, and not everyone may feel comfortable or welcome at their family’s Thanksgiving table. Friendsgiving serves as an affirming alternative, allowing LGBTQ+ individuals to create a safe and welcoming space where they can be their authentic selves.

Second, Friendsgiving promotes a spirit of acceptance and diversity. LGBTQ+ individuals often appreciate the inclusive nature of this celebration, where different backgrounds, identities, and orientations are embraced and celebrated. It provides a platform for friends to share their unique stories and experiences, fostering greater understanding and empathy among attendees.

Finally, Friendsgiving is an opportunity for LGBTQ+ friends to express gratitude for the supportive friendships they’ve built. In a world where discrimination and isolation can still persist, this holiday reinforces the sense of community and belonging. It allows LGBTQ+ individuals to celebrate their chosen family and the deep connections they’ve forged, which can be particularly meaningful in overcoming adversity and celebrating diversity.

Friendsgiving vs. Thanksgiving: What’s the difference?

While Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving share similarities, there are some key differences between the two celebrations. Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States that has historical and cultural significance. It’s a time for families to come together and give thanks for the blessings in their lives.

Friendsgiving, on the other hand, is a more casual and contemporary celebration that focuses on the gathering of friends. It often takes place on a different day than Thanksgiving and provides an opportunity for friends to create their own traditions and customs. Unlike Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving doesn’t carry the weight of tradition and expectations, allowing for a more relaxed and fun atmosphere.

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Planning Your Friendsgiving Feast

When it comes to planning your Friendsgiving feast, there are several key factors to consider. From creating the guest list to selecting the perfect menu, each decision plays a crucial role in the overall success of your gathering.

Creating A Guest List And Invitations

The first step in planning your Friendsgiving feast is to create a guest list. Think about the friends you want to invite and consider the dynamics of the group. It’s important to strike a balance between different personalities and ensure that everyone will get along and have a good time.

It’s especially important to be sensitive to the needs and emotional safety of your LGBTQ+ guests. Avoid inviting friends who won’t fully support each individual guest showing up to the Friendsgiving table authentically.

Once you have finalized your guest list, it’s time to send out the invitations. You can opt for traditional paper invitations or use digital platforms like Evite or Paperless Post. Make sure to include all the necessary details, such as the date, time, location, and any specific requests or instructions.

Friendsgiving Menu Ideas

One of the highlights of any Friendsgiving feast is the delicious food. When planning your menu, consider the dietary restrictions and preferences of your guests. It’s a good idea to have a mix of traditional Thanksgiving dishes and some unique and creative recipes.

Start with the main course, which is typically a roasted turkey. However, if you have vegetarian or vegan guests, make sure to offer alternative options like a stuffed butternut squash or a lentil loaf. For side dishes, classics like mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce are always a hit. Don’t forget to include some vegetarian-friendly side dishes like roasted vegetables or a wild rice pilaf.

Desserts are an essential part of any Friendsgiving feast. Traditional pumpkin pie is a must, but you can also experiment with other fall-inspired desserts like apple crisp or pecan pie bars. Consider setting up a dessert bar where guests can sample different treats and create their own dessert combinations.

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Friendsgiving Decorations And Ambiance

Creating a festive and welcoming ambiance is key to a successful Friendsgiving feast. Start by setting the table with a beautiful tablecloth or runner and add some seasonal touches like pumpkins, gourds, and fall foliage. Candles and fairy lights can add a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Consider creating a seating arrangement that encourages conversation and interaction among your guests. Mix and match different seating options like chairs, benches, and floor cushions to create a relaxed and comfortable environment.

Music also plays a crucial role in setting the mood. Create a Friendsgiving playlist with a mix of nostalgic and upbeat songs that will get everyone in a festive spirit. You can also ask your guests to contribute their favorite songs to the playlist, creating a collaborative and personalized soundtrack for the evening.

Friendsgiving Games And Activities

While the focus of Friendsgiving is the food, incorporating games and activities can add an extra layer of fun and entertainment to the celebration. Consider setting up a DIY photo booth with props and a backdrop where guests can take memorable photos together.

Another popular activity is a gratitude jar, where guests can write down what they are grateful for and share it with the group. This not only encourages reflection and gratitude but also creates a sense of connection and positivity among your guests.

Board games and card games are always a hit at Friendsgiving gatherings. Have a selection of games available for guests to play, or encourage them to bring their favorite games to share with the group. This not only provides entertainment but also encourages friendly competition and bonding.

Friendsgiving Etiquette And Traditions

While Friendsgiving is a more relaxed and casual celebration, it’s still important to observe certain etiquette and traditions. Make sure to communicate any specific instructions or requests to your guests beforehand, such as bringing a dish to share or arriving at a specific time.

As the host, it’s your responsibility to ensure that everyone feels included and comfortable. Take the time to introduce guests to each other and facilitate conversations. Consider providing name tags or seating cards to help break the ice and encourage mingling.

It’s also a nice gesture to provide some small tokens of appreciation for your guests. This can be as simple as personalized place cards or small party favors that reflect the spirit of the occasion.

Friendsgiving: Celebrate Gratitude With your Chosen Family

Friendsgiving is a special occasion that allows friends to come together and celebrate gratitude, friendship, and delicious food. With our ultimate Friendsgiving guide, you’ll have all the tools and tips you need to plan the perfect feast.

From creating the guest list to selecting a mouthwatering menu, we’ve covered all the essential elements of a successful Friendsgiving celebration. Remember to create a warm and inclusive atmosphere, incorporate fun games and activities, and observe Friendsgiving etiquette and traditions.

So gather your friends, put on your apron, and get ready to create lasting memories with your chosen family. With our guide by your side, your Friendsgiving feast will be the talk of the town for years to come. Happy Friendsgiving!

**Disclaimer: There is a good chance that this post contains affiliate or sponsor links. If you make a purchase through them, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you (for which we are extremely grateful).

Also, while we do our best to highlight LGBTQ-friendly destinations and businesses, info provided is based solely on personal experience and recommendations by community partners. We hope that nobody experiences discrimination or hom*ophobia while visiting Florida and beyond, but we make no guarantees. Please inform us if you experience discrimination or hom*ophobia while visiting any destinationso wecan make updates to our recommendations.

ChatGPT or another AI writing platform may have contributed to the writing of this article.

LGBTQ+ Friendsgiving Guide - An Inclusive Feast | OutCoast Nation (2024)
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